Thursday, August 17, 2006

Can Nothing Go Right?

I've actually gained weight since last week. I'm so freakin frustrated. I can't seem to lose this freakin weight. Auuggghhh!!!!

Stupid freakin body. I hate you! I'm not your best friend anymore!!

Stupid freakin work. They're workin us like dogs. It's so aggravating. I'm just so tired of everything.

Hubby and I have been walking the dogs (speaking of which I dreamt of the dog whisperer last night, but even in my dream he was uninterested in what I had to say).

Even my face is driving me nuts. I'm breakin out all over it. And I feel so greasy.

Why isn't anything going right????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buck up little camper, it's almost the weekend! Yay! :)