Monday, August 28, 2006

Corporate America

You's funny. I used to stand up for the big guy. Business is business and what not. But, well, I'm just so sick and tired of the bullshit that goes on now-a-days.

I have two friends that were laid off recently. One was actually masked as a firing because my pal didn't meet the new requirements for her own job after the company got bought out.

This has been about my fifth time in a corporate layoff/merger/let's fuck over the peons.

I just get so tired of it. You give your all to a company. You spend most of your waking hours there. But in the long run, you just end up being a number.

There are slight advantages to big business (but I'm just making excuses for not taking risk), such as medical benefits, paid time off, not to mention the slacker factor.

But whenever this happens I just get so disillusioned. What happened to TQM? Fostering good teams? (Hmmm, well I guess unionizing didn't help much, did it? But then again paying workers shit for dangerous jobs isn't all that great either.)

So who's to blame? Well I guess we are. We got us here. And many of us still believe in long-term jobs. We don't view ourselves as contractors. We don't work on ways to sell ourselves and we've become too attached to our jobs.

I need to update my resume...just in case. ;-)

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