Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I promised you an update and I'm actually following through...


Anyway, hubby had his dental appt today. Ouch! It was just a consultation but we're gonna end up with about $2200 in charges prior to implant charges. At least the implants won't have to go in until after six months of healing. I just don't understand where all the money I'm paying for dental coverage goes. Supposedly only about $120 of it is going to be covered. Geesh!!

But that aside, I seem to be taking things in stride lately. My stress level is down a bit. Which is good. I've got a "We've handled it before, we'll handle it again" mentality. Which is good.

My weight loss, okay rather my eating habits, have gotten much better. I need to remind myself that it's not the weight loss that's so important so much as the better eating habits. These are LIFETIME changes, NOT 'just until I lose the weight' changes.


blueberi said...

yes, lifetime changes. my internet is working at my place now. hope the teeth thing goes okay.

Madwag said...

Holy cow... teeth implants??? I finally found a good dentist here...that was a long hard search! Now my teeth are getting fixed properly and w/o loads of freaking pain.

Ms. Adventures said...

hey congrats miss! One day at a time right?