Sunday, November 05, 2006 are SO gonna get it.

Blue has done extremely well with her weight loss. She's 2 pounds away from goal weight and started WW after I did. Well, I think I just found her secret.

Fuckin Billy Blanks. She started off doing Tae Bo and I remember her mentioning this before. This week, after getting through a bout of cold and TOM, I decided no more Ms. Nice Guy...or Ms. Lazy, however you want to look at it.

Previously, before the cold, I worked out to a Step workout and a Tai Chi/Kickboxing workout. Both were laborous, but I felt I needed more cardio in my arsenal. Since Billy Blanks worked so well for Blue, I thought I should add him to my library.

Today I took out two of the BB dvds I bought and considered whether I wanted a Fat Blasting Cardio session or just Fat Blasting Overall. Not being to keen on cardio lately, I chose the overall dvd and started working out.

Lemme first say this. I love Bill Blanks workout, I think he's a very inspiring guy. The people he choses to workout in his dvd are very realistic. But when you do his exercises...

you feel like your gonna die. Oh....My....God. That little bitch. It wasn't the eating, it wasn't the tracking points. It was ALL Billy Blanks. He works the fuckin PISS out of you. I think I held my own pretty well, but I didn't use the resistance bands (if I had, I would be blogging from the emergency room instead of my desk at home) and I took a few cardio breaks during the dvd. Instead of punching and jumping, I just punched.

Yes, I'll still watch my diet, but it's me and Billy all the way for the rest of my dieting days. Now excuse me, while I go puke.


Anonymous said...

Oh, good for you for sticking with the whole DVD. Man, those tae-bo things are murder - like they're really trying to kill you! I tried one once and got through about 10 minutes before I quit...

Mark Brown said...

Markie Mark sayeth:


I will think of you tonight (when I start my 13 hour Server upgrade)
and I open my bag of Tortilia Chips and Salsa.

I'm in pain just THINKING about that kicking. Go GIRL!

The couch potato formerly known as mark

blueberi said...

heeheehee. Yeah, the tae-bo is pretty hard when you first start. I'm still getting use to it. But, it does get easier.