Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thank God for co-workers!

So I was talking to my friend, Literal Lou, the other day. Lately the topic of career moves keeps coming up. LL wants to move into systems architecture, and I would like to become a Project Manager someday. Why, you ask? (Okay, I know you didn't, but heck, this is my blog so I'm gonna tell ya.) Well, I invested all that money in a Masters degree. It'd be a shame to see that go to waste. Now having a Masters degree qualifies me to be a Manager. Or at least gives me the opportunity to be one. But...I hate management. I really don't want to be working 80 hours a week and kissing ass so frequently it looks like I've been sucking on lemons all day. So, next best thing?

Project Management!

I would love this. The ability to organize and schedule on projects with a definate end in sight. The ability to finish a project with a sense of accomplishement. The ability to drive people nuts then say, 'ta, ta' at the end of the project.

Anyway, where was I at? Oh LL mentions that if I'm really serious about this 'dream', that an opportunity has just opened up because one of the PMs is leaving and they need someone to manage a project she's leaving behind. Yikes! I said I wanted to do it, not actually, you know, DO IT!

So I think this over for awhile and come to the conclusion that nobody really gives opportunities, you have to make them yourself. I marched on over to my bosses' office. Shut the door. And told her of this fabulous opportunity and my willingness to go forward and my utter boredom with just running reports. I even had the good foresight to ask her if she felt I was up to the task of PMing (she replied yes). So she gave me a few other projects and said she would speak to the Lead PM and her own boss to discuss future opportunities for my growth.

Yay! Do you know what this means?! I'm going forward again!!

In addition to that, I lost a pound so far this week! YAY!! Moving forward again.

Now if we could just get hubby into that yank session.


blueberi said...

yeah for Onyx. keep up the good work.

Mark Brown said...

oooh. Project Management.

A good place for starting in management.
(are you SURE you want to do this???)

I personally wanted to go back to the non-mgmt ranks for the last 10-15 years of my 25 year career at the (Rest in Peace) former "Ma bell" (AT&T)

us managers just got "shat upon..."
by upper MANAGEMENT.

at any rate. You be a good project manager. Get out the HARDEST metal RULER you can (MUST be 18inch ruler!)
12 inches is TOO short to hurt correctly!

oh, and tell NO one that you've never ever done this before, especially people on your project!

Take SAID ruler, and at first meeting with the group (Make it a MANDATORY in person meeting!)
take said ruler, and sayeth,
"This is my friend, Steel"
Steel can be very helpful in getting me results.
Steel can help you make sane, quality
Steel has also been known to channel my fury, and upon occasion has been known to channel my wrath, when it heats up to a white hot state.
Whereupon steel has upon infrequent occasion been known to connect to said obstacle's rear.
Steel usually likes the effect of reaming a new hole in said subject's anatomy.

let me summarize:
Steel can be your friend, or your worst nightmare. It's all up to you!"

(best to take a copy of this and maybe hand it out, rather then saying it came from you!)

Lots of love, and good luck

You be a project manager now.