Wednesday, November 01, 2006

In perfect tradition with the holidays...

It looks as if I have a cold. Damn it! Dry throat. Wet nose. A little ache and a bit warm. Son of a --! And to top it all off, it's reports day. The one day of the month where I get to do twenty reports all on the same day...hold that thought...ok, I'm back. Working from home before I go into work.

Speaking of comic strip has been about work lately...I've added a comment box to my comic strip website...should you feel inclined, please leave a comment.

Yeah, that's it. A pretty lame segue, but what do you expect of me?! I've never claimed to be the next Chaucer. And it's 6 fuckin thirty in the a.m.!

(Okay, what does it say about a person when they know a word, can use it in a sentence, but then have to look up the spelling online? Fuckin segue! It just doesn't look right, does it? Akeelah, I'm not.)

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