Monday, April 03, 2006

Quick Update

Mom was initially scheduled for 3 p.m. surgery today, but they postponed. They have a slew of internists working on her case because of all the medical conditions she had before the surgery (well, and presently has)

She's been calling me and I feel much better because she sounds hopeful. They are taking really good care of her. And it helps that they keep her continuously doped up.

Thanks everyone for the kind comments. I do really appreciate it. And Hippo, thanks for putting my mom on your prayer list. It means so very much to me. So much I didn't even realize how much until you actually told me. Thank you for being a good friend. Through all the crap and good times. :-)

Okay, I gotta go before I get any more sappier.

When I get some time, I'll catch up with you all.


M said...

I hope everything goes well!

Madwag said...

No problem and you are welcome. My mom called me last night... and she prayed on the phone with me... like I told you she does. It is really weird how she knows when to call me... she said to say hi and that she is thinking of you and your mom. So when is your mom having her op now? xoxoxo

The fabric of my life said...

It sounds as if she is in the best place Onyx. I'm glad they are taking care of her. It must be a weight off your mind. Stay strong sweetie x

Ms. Adventures said...

glad to hear things are going better. Keep us updated.