Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Saga Continues...

Well quite a bit has happened. My uncle, aunt, cousin and her husband are in town. We got together briefly for a BBQ on Saturday, but after that they went to the Grand Canyon.

Okay, let me recap what's happened:

  • Mom in hospital last Saturday. Surgery on Thursday, care center on Saturday.
  • Little brother, working. Has not called or seen mom.
  • Aunt, uncle, cousin, hubby all come into town on Saturday. Haven't seen cousin in 15 years. Haven't ever seen her husband.
  • Sunday Grand Canyon trip cancelled for me and hubby due to unemployment on hubby's part.

Okay, I think I have you up to the part, which forgive me if I've said it before, but I'm too lazy to leave this post and check. So you may see a slight duplication in story telling.

Take a big breath...

Sunday my aunt and uncle show up at my brothers door (he's about 17). He was warned about the Grand Canyon trip. Expensive hotel room = let us know if you're not going. You guessed it...he cancelled. Says he has work. So everyone's pissed. But they leave without him.

Today? Well, let me tell you. This morning around 10 a.m. I had to take hubby to an interview. On the way back I had to take mom home from the care facility. Then I headed over to work and watched the clock turn very slowly.

After work, I was informed everyone is getting together for Chinese food over at mom's. I get home and tell hubby to get ready then call mom to make sure everyone is there. Here's how the conversation goes:

Me: Hello?

Mom: Umm, yes...what...oh hello.

Me: Is everyone there?

Mom: Yes come over. We're just in the middle of a crisis here.

Me: What?

Mom: We're in a crisis. The cops are over. Grandma rummaged through your brothers room and found a box. So she called the cops. Come on over. *dial tone*


Thoughts through head: What the fuck was in that box? Why on earth would grandma call the cops? And why the fuck would my mother air the dirty laundry for everyone and THEIR brother to see and invite us over for a first row viewing?

So we get over there. Umm, it was pot. They scared the shit out of everyone for pot.

Granted I'm the last one to want to see my brother get addicted to the stuff. But come'on!!

Anyway, I sit down, mom tells us the story. Then she looks over at me and says, "Why don't you go back there and talk to him?"

About what?!?!

What am I supposed to say? "No, no bad boy!!"?



Madwag said...

Good grief. Your mom DID not need your grandma to do that. Does your gandma like to cause drama or what? So what did the cops do about it anyway?

lettuce said...

hahaha - Oh blimus!

Family, eh? who'd have one?

JP said...

Sounds like Granny is a drama queen... A 17 year old, smoking pot???? That just can't be!!! I'd tell everyone to take a deep breath (no pun intended) and chill. It's not meth or crack. It's just pot. I, for one, hate the stuff, but to call the cops on your own Grandson? Holy shiznit!
Hope you get it all worked out cutie!

Ms. Adventures said...

That sucks with a capital S. How lame. I hope everything works out, gosh!

The fabric of my life said...

Oh dear, slight overreaction huh?!! What do the cops do over there about such things? Your mum doesn't need this right now does she?