Saturday, April 01, 2006

So You Want [Sexy] Pics, huh?

Well here ya go....

What?! Ooohhhhh, of me in boots?

You know, it's kind of scary how much I look like the church lady in this picture.

Anyway, how ON EARTH would I get a good picture of me in boots? I certainly can't take it myself. What else am I going to do?

Me: "Honey, could you do me a favor and take a really sexy picture of me in boots for my online guy fans? It's okay, I only share every hope and dream with them online."

Hubby: Silence.

Yeah, I'm sure that'd go over real well. All of a sudden I would be brought down by the HCC (Husband Communications Crackdown).


So just kicking back today. Bluebert is over helping hubby out with his website. Hubby is driving her nuts. He's such a perfectionist, but this is what makes him so successful.

Me? I just want to kick back with a mai tai and a cigarette, and maybe a good romance novel and chill. But there is laundry to be done and queries to be ran.

Have a good weekend everyone!!


JP said...

No, got it all wrong... :) It's like this...

Onyx: "Blubert, could you do me a favor and take a really sexy picture of me in boots for my online guy fans? It's okay, I only share every hope and dream with them online."

Blubert: No problem! Sure thing! Anything for your guy fans!

JP said...

Oh, by the way, great pic! I dig the pouty look!