Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Discussion

wasn't really a discussion, so much as me trying to painfully extract information from my hubby.

It went something like this:

Me: "So honey, if you could move anywhere, where would
you move?"

Hubby: "The bathroom. Just set it up with a flat panel screen
and a laptop and I'd be set."

Me: "No seriously. If you could move anywhere in the United
States, where would it be?"

Hubby: "Well the office is moving a few blocks north, so I
guess that would be as good a place as any."

Don't be fooled. He's doing this on purpose to annoy the crap outta me.

The discussion ended up with me rolling my eyes and swearing that I would get back at him somehow. Eventually he got the hint and said he wanted to finish his project first then start looking around. Men!!!


So I've decided my ass prefers to be at work. I've felt the need to pee every five seconds, except once I get to work. Then it's somewhat bearable and by the time the afternoon rolls around, I feel right as rain again. How sad is that?


I went to Einsteins again this morning. I didn't realize all the weird stuff that goes on there. Yesterday, Missy picked me up a little late. I was freezing my butt off waiting outside, when a horde (or perhaps a gaggle) of young'uns descended upon the courtyard in a frenzy of bubble-gum and Trapper Keepers.

I decided to stay and watch them. It reminded me of the days when me and my friends would wait outside the school, smoking and cursing. One girl there, had worn a skirt and everyone was giving her shit for it. Ahhhh, the good old days.

I started getting very remininscent, then reminded myself that I could do as I pleased now and didn't need a fake id to drink. You couldn't pay me money to go back to any age below 21.

Well have a fun Thursday!!!


blueberi said...

yeah, I don't want to be any younger than 21. Although 21 is good. But I wouldn't want to be any younger.

The fabric of my life said...

I love being older (and wiser) but I forget how old I am sometimes and get a shock when I catch sight of myself. I still think I am in my twenties, a cliche I know, but true :-)