Friday, December 02, 2005

Why am I so blessed?

So here is my typical day:

I hit the snooze button a few times, then finally decide to wake up after a few minutes of snuggling with my cat. I sluggishly make my way to the kitchen where I make fresh Seattle's Best coffee (with a french press) and a freshly made smoothie with pomengranate or Kern's fruit juice and frozen fruit with soy milk.

Then I go to take a shower fully loaded with all sorts of scented soaps and special facial cleansers, all under a piping hot full stream of water. I get out and put on my Loreal makeup choosing from a variety of colors and dry my hair with a warm blowdryer.

Then I go to my closet and peruse the selection of tons of shirts of pants. Finally deciding on something comfortable, I bring in my healthy dogs from the yard and set out for another day's adventure.

Hubby drives me to Circle K to meet up with my carpool mate. If I'm too cold or too warm, I adjust the temperature in the car. He finally drops me off, where I buy essentially anything I want but usually settle for a large Diet Coke and perhaps a pack of cigs.

My carpool mate picks me up. We smoke one on the way there, unworried about time, and we march in to work at a lazy pace. I sit down before my computer. Fully loaded and located in a building which is climate controlled and offers free coffee at any time of the day. Around lunchtime, we decide we're hungry and choose to order from a myriad of places ranging from chinese to american food.

At a time determined by me, I go home with my carpool mate who is gracious enough to drop me off at home every day. I let my dogs out who have been lazing around on various sleeping surfaces (such as the couch or my bed) and then change into more clothes that are comfortable and clean.

Hubby comes home. We decide on dinner. The food available is endless. We then come home, and check our computers via high speed internet, maybe play a few online games, pay bills online, and then sit ourselves in comfort in the living room to watch some 'reality' television show.

Around 9 p.m. we decide we're way to tired to finish the day, and head off to our seperate beds, filled with pillows and blankets, to sleep and start this all over again.

Now I know we probably don't live as lavishly as some. As a matter of fact we probably don't live as lavishly as some of you reading this. But in reality, we live a lot better than most.

I met a man the other day, begging for food. He said it had been months since a person last treated him kindly. I didn't ask what his story was. But he was relatively clean and certainly very nice.

There are so many ways in which my husband and I could have ended up that way. But through hard work and a little (okay, a lot) of help from family and friends, we managed to get to where we're at today. That's not saying it could all be taken away some day, say by a hurricane, a declined economy, a bomb, a tragic accident.

But today I am extremely grateful.

Grateful for my health, my realtionships, my animals, my family and friend's health, our happiness, our ability to get warm food and sleep in a warm bed.

It's unfathomable to me sometimes how I ended up being born in this day and age, with all these conveniences, with all my freedoms, with all the opportunities.

I know it's not Thanksgiving Day, but shouldn't every day be?


The fabric of my life said...

Very profound Onyx. We are soooo lucky. We get bogged down with petty things and sometimes it's hard to see. Thanks for the reminder :-)

Tanya said...

Hey now I know why it's taking you sooooo long to get preggers, you sleep in seperate beds! You need to be in the same bed girlfriend, that will do for a start! hehehe...But you know what, it's 5.45 here IN THE MORNING! I am up with Titch, she has done the crap of all craps all over the sofa if you please, and I was still thinking, don't ever forget how lucky you are at this moment :-)