Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Honey, don't stare, it's impolite

So everytime we're out hubby always asks me if he looks different because everyone is staring. To which I always reply: "Don't be silly honey. No one is staring."

I may have been wrong.

I been noticing people a lot more lately. And damned if he isn't right!!! Everywhere I look, people just blatantly stare at you. Even when you look back!!!

What has happened to good parenting, or just simple politeness? Didn't these folk's mothers tell them not to stare? WTF?

Next time I catch someone staring I'm going to stare them right back and say, "Don't stare, sweetie, it's impolite." or perhaps, "Excuse me, do I have a booger hanging out of my nose? Because you're staring at me like I'm the spawn of Satan."

1 comment:

The fabric of my life said...

Maybe it's cos you're so gorgeous honey or that you look so happy together?