Thursday, December 01, 2005

Body Image

You knew I was going to write about this, didn't ya hippo?

So Hippo IMs me yesterday with worries about my current obsession over weight. I do have to admit that body image is much healthier in the UK than in America, however I must explain myself. Or at least feel the need to.

Since before time, I have struggled with my weight. I can never remember a time when I was happy with my body or even a normal weight. Well, I take that back.

When I was dating my husband, I was about 155 pounds. For my frame, it actually worked out well. I was working out all the time, a non-smoker, eating semi-healthy.

After I got married, I ballooned out. My husband eats like a horse and therefore I ate like a goat.

I am heavier now than I have ever been. I think my mental image of myself is probably a lot better than what I actually look like. I do think I'm attractive, but my main concerns are health.

It's simply not healthy to be this weight. I'm getting to the age where heart, diabetes, and other factors could come into play if I don't lose this weight. I don't think I'm being unrealistic. Currently according to the 'charts', I'm obese. I do have somewhat of a problem with these charts, but I am so well over the 'obese' mark, that I know I at least need to get under it.

I certainly know I don't look obese, but for health reasons I need to get my weight down. My immediate goal is to lose at least 20 pounds. I would feel so much better if I lost that much. Not only emotionally but physically as well.

I don't expect to look like Twiggy, or even Pamela Anderson. I just would like to get back down to that 155 I was when I got married.

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