Sunday, February 19, 2006

Better, but not quite there yet

After doses of Dayquil, Nyquil, Sucrets, and Benedryl, Sudafed finally did the trick. I woke up today and didn't feel like I was talking through a bubble. Finally my ear is unplugged!!! Well not completely, but it's not nearly as annoying as it was. And now I'm not dreading going deaf. So that's good.

This weekend was busy, and annoying, and interesting...

Let's see...

Saturday went to Weight Watchers with Blueberri. I lost about .2 pounds. I was so upset. But...well, if you want to know more check out our "Interesting Things I've Eaten" blog. At least I'm still losing.

Saturday afternoon I went to lunch with one of my old Devry buddies. I think quite frankly she's one of the most well put together people I know. She seems to know what she wants and isn't afraid to say the truth. So we had a good time. Discussing all sorts of things. I told her about the issues the man and I have had. We joked about the gorgeousity of firemen and discussed the merits of each actor on Lost.

Saturday night Blueberri, hubby, two common friends, and I went to the Phoenix Addy awards. We knew Blueberri and hubby were to win awards, we just didn't know which ones. Lemme just say...I was disgusted.

The event was poorly planned. First of all Blueberri purchased 4 tickets before she was told that the school her and hubby went to purchased tickets for them. So we had an extra 3 tickets. We invited two friends and left the third one unused. So let me recap: we had 6 spots reserved and only brought 5 people.

We get to the awards dinner, and explained the situation. To which we receive this reponse: "Oh I was gonna give you your money back. I only found out yesterday that the school purchased your tickets, so I assumed you didn't need the others."

Okay first, big fat blatant lie. If that were true, you'd still have the spots open. Second, you should have called, (expletetive!).

So she tells our friends that there's no room at our table (even though we explained that the 3rd person wasn't showing up and therefore there would be at least one opening at the table) and they would have to sit at two seperate tables...alone. *coughBitchcough*

So we tell them, "Come sit with us at our table, we already have one open spot. So we just need to find another one."

Well apparently the lady from their school had a shit fit about this. Even though we found a person at the table to switch. As luck had it, the table one of our friends was given had his girlfriend at the table. So he was happy to switch. So lessee, one empty chair + one swicthed chair = 2 chairs we had already purchased anyway.

And the bitch still had the nerve to approach one of our friends and tell them they needed to move. Fucking bitch! We payed for these tickets, we're still getting shorted one and everyone is treating us like 2nd class citizens. Fucking school, and fucking graphic design group.

I hate associations. These things are a joke. *sigh*

Anyway, we headed to 5 & Diner afterwards and bitched and complained about the whole affair. They fucked up Blueberri's award. Both of their awards were s poorly put together they were falling apart. Pictures of their work wasn't in the award book. And the roommates name, which hubby has put down as a co-designer for the work they got an award for, wasn't on the award.


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