Friday, February 10, 2006

Ups and Downs

I went off the deep end again yesterday. And I brought hubby with me.

We were in the car going home. I had to pick him up to take him to the doctor because his eyes were hurting him. Anyway, we got into a really large argument...well, actually I started screaming at him like a banshee. Then he started getting frustrated and started hitting the dashboard. We both had our windows down so you can imagine the looks we received.

But hey, I'm sick and tired of hiding behind doors. Why do we have to be so perfect in public? Granted I wouldn't do it in the middle of a mall, but I bet a lot of people have more in common with us then they care to admit.

Sometimes when I'm feeling bummed or melancholy, I start looking around at all the people around me and remind myself that they have their closet disorders too. We all do. We all have at least one addiction, embarassing habit, frustrating family member. We're all trying to overcome or forget something.

Media and people would have you beleive that the rest of the population is normal, but believe me, they're just all going around looking at people like you and me and saying, "I wish I had a normal life like that person*."

*Okay maybe not yesterday, but that was my day to look around at everyone else and say that.


theBlueNibble said...

Hmmmm......... the happiness of being married! I guess this happens to everyone! It happens to me aand i am not even married! so u r right ! Nice post!
It was really nice of u to drop by my blog! I have got the proverbial Bloggers Block ! so i havnt been blogging much lately! I plan of resuming it tho! It was a surprize and a good one at that! You my friend are a good person! c u around!

Ms. Adventures said...

You're right Onyx. I do the same thing, though not so publically, my husband is SUPER sensitive to looking bad externally. But we scream, and yell and slam doors, the whole nine.

Thanks for stopping by my blog BTW :hugs: