Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Life is getting better

I think it's part due to what I call my 'therapy' on the way to pick up my husband at work. It includes the following:

  • Blast Weezer to glass shattering decibels and sing along while mocking drum playing on steering wheel.
  • Take small joy from knowing Weezer blasted annoys the crap out of the snobby Scottsdale people.
  • Rev engine on especially jammin drum or guitar solos.
  • Secretly flip off Scottsdale people who annoy me by going 10 miles under the speed limit or who cut me off because they're too busy focusing on their cell phones or primping their hair.
  • Give a nod to the decent people on the road who have to put up with the snobby people's shit too.

Very simple regimen, but it helps.

I used to want to live in Snottsdale, that was until I had to drive in it. People there are so freakin pompous. They think they own the road in their little BMWs and Mercedes Benz. Fuckers!! they cut off people and drive around those trying to make a left when they should be stopped anyway.

Well that's it for today. Got tons of work. Until then...if you want to destroy my sweater, oh, ohhh, oh, ohhhh...

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