Thursday, February 02, 2006

Random Thoughts Part Duex

Hubby and I were driving around yesterday when we found the following taxi cab service:

Dur Dur Taxi

Need I say more?


I watched a little Bush last night. (No, you pervert! The President!) And he was spouting forth crap about health savings plan. Ummm, excuse me, Mr. President...

Ford just laid off thousands of people, General Mills just announced mass layoffs too. Aside from the fact that the people who need your help the most don't even have money to put aside for "health savings", much less any "savings", what makes you think anyone in this economy (which, by the way, REEEAAALLLLYYYY sucks) would be willing to fork over their money into an account that they can not use for emergencies, will have to fork over the cash in the first place when necessary, THEN be reimbursed weeks later, and run the risk of losing what's left of it at the end of the year because dat's da rules!

Excuse me, if I don't want to end up running to Walgreens at midnight on New Years Eve buying 200 boxes of aspirin just so's I don't lose my money. MY money. MY fucking hard earned money. Screw the tax break man!

Fucking Bush...

By the way, also telling professionals who can't find a job, to go back to school, incur more debt, and add another at least $100k to their already enormous school loans on no promise of a job upon 2nd graduation while trying to support a family....IS REALLY FUCKED UP!!! You prissy, old fart who has no CLUE how the real world works. I have two words for you Mr. President....

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Whew! Okay, I'm done. I'm gonna go cool off by running some reports and wonder what Jefferson would think if he had ever seen Bush Jr inaction. Did I say "inaction"? Oh, lol...yeah that's what I meant. Texas fucker.

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