Monday, February 27, 2006


Okay, so hubby and I normally don't go to church (lately) and we're not Catholics. But we're Lutherans, so close enough. Plus, both of us believe in the old tradition of giving something up for Lent. Not just any old something, but something you truly love and desire.

I remember grandmother always giving up chocolate for Lent. I think she's been doing this for well over 20 years now.

Hubby and I? Well we've only practiced this one year so far. It was a while ago too. But we successfully gave up television for the entire Lent. We actually felt better for it too. The first few days were difficult but it became easier and easier.

So this year? Well hubby and I have decided to stop eating out. Believe me, this is REALLY difficult for us. I must eat out for lunch at work at least 3 times per week. At least. And we must go out for dinner at least, at very minimum, 3 times per week. It's a bad addiction.

But we're giving it up because we know it'll be a struggle. Jesus gave his life for me, so I think I can do without Pei Wei or Cousins for at least a few weeks for him. I know seems slightly unfair. I mean, those turkey subs from Cousins are like to die for.

1 comment:

Ms. Adventures said...

Go you! That's fantastic. I would have a very hard time with any of those things, sweets, TV, eating out....