Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I am so fuckin' done with this stupid ass cold. Spent most of the night trying to get to sleep. Augh!!

Still feel congested, a tickle in my throat. Now I feel nauseous (I think because of the coffee I had this a.m.) and still light-headed.

I envisualize myself saying to this damn cold: "Enough already!! Just go away!!!" So I guess I can add "crazy" to my list of symptoms.


Other than that, well I guess there is nothing. I keep thinking of things throughout the day, but bleh! I keep forgetting them. Stupid cold!!

I may schedule an appt with the Dr soon, if this keeps up. Maybe next Monday. Bleh!

Sorry my posts haven't been to exciting. BUSH SUCKS!! that better??

Keep on keeping on.


blueberi said...

one of my coworkers was out sick with the flu. i'm hoping I'm not next

Onyx said...

I hope you don't mind Cloudy, but I deleted your comment so eveyrone and their brother doesn't see your email. :-)