Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I'm in an extremely lazy mood today. Hubby and I just sat on our butts watching television last night. At one point he mentioned moving into the bedroom because he was so tired. To which I replied, "Let me get this straight. You are too tired to lay on the living room floor, so you'd like to move into the bedroom?"

And I thought I was lazy.

I pretty much spent the entire night watching the finale to The Biggest Loser. I love this show because it promotes healthy weight loss through diet and exercise. These people look fantastic. There was one man there who had essentially lost half of himself. 46+% of his body weight. From 401 pounds to about 200. Isn't that insane? Of course, the irony was that while getting all excited about these people's losses, I was sitting my fat ass on the couch watching it.

BTW, the reason why I thought these type of devices, Car Babys, were illegal in the UK:

Well gotta go! Tons of work to do...hi, ho, hi, ho and all that.


blueberi said...

Yeah, those people looked amazing. I kind of felt bad for the one that came back and only lost 16 lbs. 16 lbs is good, but everyone else did unbelievable.

Ms. Adventures said...

Hey there girl! I watched that show too! I thought it was amazing how they looked. I can identify with what your UK friend has said about body image but I think in those situations, health needed to be a higher priority. It's not healthy to be that large.

I was thrilled that Pete won the 100,000 dollars! He was such a great person. I love this show and celebrity fit club, though the celebrities aren't often that sucessful.