Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oops, I did it again...

Yes, I got my hair cut again. Well specifically all of them (yuk, yuk, yuk)

I just couldn't stand that horrible haircut anymore. I did plan on getting it cut, just maybe not last night.

Around 8 p.m. Blueberri announced she wa going to get her haircut. In my usual calm and calculated demeanor, I exclaimed, "Hold up and I'll go with you!"

So we get into the car and she informs me that she's going to Great Clips about a few blocks away. Now, I'm not a great fan of these clip joints. I feel like most of the so-called 'stylists' there only know how to do bowl cuts and buzz tops, but I figured after a $65 shitty haircut, what could it hurt?

I'd rather pay $11 dollars for a shitty haircut then $65.

So we head over and apparently Joe Blow and his forty cousins decided that night they would get their mullets trimmed. So we decide to head over to Supercuts.

There's only one lady and two customers, but those girls were getting their highlights done, so it's off to find another shop yet again. (Who knew it was so hard to get a bad haircut?)

Third stop and we strike gold!! One customer, two stylists and an hour left before the shop closes.

A russian lady takes me back and asks, "Vat do you vant for your haircut?"

I point to two photos. With the incredibly short bangs the she-devil gave me, I could only opt for a short haircut or else look like a throwback from the eighties or a Roseanne extra. The russian gives me a dubious look.

"I no think this is good. Too short."

"Well, what do you suggest?" I ask. Figuring if she didn't think this was the way to go, then surely she had a suggestion on what would work.

"I no think this is good. Too short."

Um, okay. "Then just give me this one in the corner." She is none too pleased.

But she chops, and cuts, and shears. It actually came out fairly good. I mean, I would prefer my hair long, but what choice was I given?

At one point she stops, calls over Blueberry and says, "See, this length is good. Any shorter and uh..." gives a russian impression of Seinfeld. "Her face to, uh, round for shorter hair. This good, no?"

I reply, "Yeah, my face is too fat for shorter hair. I get it. This is good." I hate it when people pad the truth.

But all in all we agree this is better than the last cut. So I gave her a big tip and wondered why the hell a foreigner working for almost minimum wage did a better job than Ms. Classy at Classy Hair Is Us.


lettuce said...

Posted about my haircut yesterday too - synchronicity!
(found you thro' Euro Trac). Liked your haircut - stylish and funky!

JP said...
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JP said...

I'm diggin' it cutie...! (But I have to admit, the haircuts haven't affected the hottness factor one bit)... Go 'head girl...!

lettuce said...

I'd trade for your colour any day!! - but thanx!

Ms. Adventures said...

CU-TE! I like it. That sucks you paid so much for a bad cut! I was just talking about this on my blog the other day too! I've had a very hard time finding a good "stylist" myself.