Monday, March 27, 2006

Weight of the world on my shoulders

Well, at least it's not on my ass, huh?

Hmmm, couldn't resist.

Anyway, it's been a tough year. And it just keeps getting shittier. Oddly enough, I don't really feel depressed, or spastic. Just...tired. Tired of it all. All the crap I've had to put up with this year.

I neither have a grin or a frown on my face. Just blank. Just a straight expression.

I guess I'm questioning where to go from here?

Since hubby has been laid off, I feel a lack of control over things. At least I'm still losing weight, and I think I take comfort in that being the only thing I really feel in control over right now.

We'll be fine, but when you have stress continually for months, it starts to wear on you.

I guess maybe it wasn't the best time this weekend to finally decide to watch Brazil. Poor guy. How fucked is that movie?? Good movie though. Very 1984-ish.

I'm sure things will get better later, but I felt the need to share with my blog. I mean that's what a blog is REALLY about, yes? Not only sharing the good, but the bad too?


Ms. Adventures said...

aw Onyx! That totally sucks. He recently finished school though, so I bet he finds an even better, super-de-duper job!

I'll be thinking about you guys!

The fabric of my life said...

I hope things get better for you both Onyx. It has been tough for you but you seem like a capable girl to me. You'll get through this. Oh Brazil, haven't thought of that film for years. the first time I saw it (back in the 80's) I went to a very late viewing, kept falling asleep and then waking up wondering where I was and seeing this surreal film that seemed to go on forever. I had to watch it again some time later. I loved it.

Mark Brown said...

Life Sucks, and as I tell my kids; What doesn't kill you makes you stronger; and hopefully your relationship with said spouse ALSO stronger.

