Wednesday, March 22, 2006


So I saw this article on Apaprently Wal-Mart is trying to bring in more customers who hate Wal-Mart but love Target and Costco (e.g. moi)

But they're attempting to do this backasswards.

I wouldn't go to them for high-priced items for the same reason I don't go to McDonalds for yogurt parfaits. It's not the product people, it's the experience!!!

I don't mind the product at Wal-Mart. I love the prices. The quality isn't that good, but you get what you pay for. Why don't I go to Wal-Mart?

The freakin people!!!

It's like a third world country down there. People step in front of you, behind you, yell in your ear, get in your way. Then after hiking miles to get two things you came for, you have to stand in line for half an hour just to check out. Then make your way through a hundred more slow people and be subjected to verifying the contents of your bag is really what you paid for.

Getting higher end products is not going to help this. As a matter of fact if it brings more people into that freakin store, it'll be worse.

Stop trying to doll up a hooker, and just sell the goods. How much more market share do they need?! Geesh!!

1 comment:

JP said...

WalMart blows!!! I almost get into a fight every time I'm there (which is only a couple times a year)...