Friday, March 03, 2006

Should have been born a man

Not that I have penis envy. It's just that my mental processes seem much more aligned to male traits then female.

For example, when I focus on something...I really focus. I can remember sitting in class working on code freverently. Finally I reached a break in my work and I gave myself a mental break. Looking up and around, I found both my friends on either side staring and smiling at me.

"What?!" I would exclaim.

"We've been yelling at you for like the past 15 minutes, " they would explain.

That happens to me all the time. People usually ask me what's wrong when I'm watching television. Usually it takes them a few times to get my attention. i have to explain nothing is wrong, I'm just "into" my show. Can I just watch a program in peace?

I'm like this with books too. I'm almost physically exhausted after reading a book from all the excitement and drama.

I also don't like to "fluff" things up. I think it's bullshit we have to reconsider everything we say in fear that someone will be offended. I mean, it's not the words that matter, but the intention. Duh!

Okay maybe that really doesn't prove my masculinity but quite frankly I usually enjoy the companionship of male company then female. Sometimes women can just be so catty and emotional. I just want to shoot the shit and discuss topics objectively. Geez!

1 comment:

Mark Brown said...

Don't bother. Women Rule, men drool, and are totally ruled by the "better" sex.
Unfortunately, we men ARE ruled by our sex organ. It is our brain, our stomach, and absolutely a frustrating way of life.

I am trying to teach my male child, that if he's lucky, he'll find a woman, that he can laugh with, respect, whore with, and spend his life with, and he'll be the luckiest guy in the world.

I know because I've been shacking up with the same woman for almost 30 years, (AND I ain't THAT OLD either!)

Oh, & just to show the inherent sexism built into men, I told MY (almost 21)yr old daughter that the way to a man's heart is absolutely in her mouth, and she just has to know how to control him.

But seriously, if education in this country could change some stereotypes, we might be as better off, as we have come in the Civil rights era.

Enough Ranting and raving.

Oh, and thanks for showing me how obscene the "show me the image option is, I am turning mine off IMMEDIATELY!

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