Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Working from home today

So as you all know, I haven't been feeling well lately. Woke up this morning and felt like crap. (Big surprise, huh?)

So I decided to work from home today. It's a little slower than usual, but I'm comfy and if I need to double-over in pain, I don't have to worry about one of my co-workers sneaking up on me.

It's not that bad...well not anymore. I do feel better, but it comes and goes in waves. I'll be better by tomorrow.

I am comfortable at home though. Nothing personal against Blueberri, but I think one roommate is our max. I moved all of hubby's stuff and the extra bed back into the 'guest' bedroom, so now I have plenty of room in my bedroom. Me and the cats are just kickin back in bed today. I flung open the drapes, so every once in awhile Onyx starts up and visually hunts the doves out back.

Anyway, starting to feel punky again and hubby is buggin me over IM.

Take care everyone and thanks for the kind words!!

1 comment:

Ms. Adventures said...

aw man!you've have a rough time of sick season! Hope you feel better soon. Congrats on the "new" space.