Tuesday, January 31, 2006

One Should Never Read One's Own Diary

I'm a bit Marvin today. Woe is me and all that.

I was trying to think why I would be a little more depressed today as opposed to any other day, and I think I've found it.

In rearranging furniture for Blueberry to move in, I located my old diary. I believe I started it in 1999. So I thought I would peruse it to see exactly where I've been and what progress I've made.

Let me give you a bit of advice. If you find an old diary or the chance to read over some old blog entries...don't. You'll either become depressed because you haven't accomplished as much as you thought you would, or yearn for the good old days. Diaries are meant to be read by other people. Not you. Don't do it.

So on top of that, I'm walking to work today, head down, angst ridden facial features, when I come to the realization that I am my most difficult foe.

I am constantly struggling with myself. Telling myself positive affirmations, yet negative put-downs at the same time. Let me give you an example of a little internal dialogue I had with myself this morning:

Me: "I can't believe I weigh this much. My diary journals never showed me this big. This sucks!"
Me: "Stop worrying about it. You're dieting and starting to walk. Look! You're walking right now, and that's the important thing."
Me: "But I feel like crap. Hubby just constantly aggravates me."
Me: "Yes, but is he aggravating you, or just aggravating TO you? Perhaps you need to take a more positive outlook on life."
Me: "I know I've been so fuckin negative lately. What's wrong with me? Why am I so fucking critical of everyone and everything?"

I'm just being truthful with myself. This is how bad I've gotten: Blueberry offered to take me home yesterday. Which was a lovely offer and I took her up on it. Usually when going home I take the same route, and usually force everyone else to take the same route, because it's the fastest. (That's my life right now. No wasting time. Rush, rush, rush.) So she's takes another route. Now listen (or read, unless you're reading aloud to yourself, then go ahead and listen), I have nowhere to go but home. No pressing appointments. Not even any plans once I get home. But mentally there was a WWF wrestling match between my logical self and my habitual self:

Me: "Tell her, tell her, tell her...go the other way. We'll waste too much time going this way!"
Me: "Don't be ridiculous. You are so freakin controlling. Just sit back and relax and enjoy the fact that someone else is driving."
Me: "But this isn't the way we go! We'll lose precious time!"
Me: "Okay first of all, what time will we lose? Like 5 minutes? And what were you going to do with that precious time anyway? Bake a cake?"
Me: "You gotta point. What's wrong with me? This is still making me antsy."

My husband always calls and tells me I'm married to a freak. I always tell him he's just a dork. Little does he know...

Monday, January 30, 2006

Bloggety, Blog, Blog, Blog

Please Don't Pick Your Ass in Front of Me

Okay, granted, I'm usually more irritable than normal in the morning. But things just kept on pissing me off.

I was standing in line at the Circle K when someone just cut right into line at the cashier. When I noticed no one gave a crap, I figured she must have went to checkout, realized she didn't have enough cash, then went back out to her car to get some. Not sure why she didn't know she didn't have enough cash and should've just brought it all in the first place, but that is neither here nor there (which I don't know what the hell that means, but it sounds appropriate.)

While she is checking out, she reaches down towards her crack and yanks her wedged up panties out of her ass. Then she feels upwards and adjusted her boobs in plain sight of everyone including the cashier.

Now ladies, I understand the need for readjustment. I really do. I'm a frequent offender. However, I really don't want to see you digging around in your ass crack for your wadded up underwear when I'm purchasing food. Be in pain for the moment, go to the restroom, turn a corner, stand up against a wall, just don't do it in plain view of everyone. Bleh!


So this weekend was busy, yet not at the same time. We helped Blueberry move on Saturday. Everything went fairly smoothly except hubby had a massive panic attack on the way to her apartment. It was so strong he actually got out of the car and walked back home on foot. Or at least attempted to. Some nice good samaritan called his firefighter buddies and they escorted him home. Then they told him it was just a panic attack and he needed some major meds.

He sees a counselor soon, so hopefully that'll help.

Other than that, we moved all her stuff, helped the other roommate out with his car. It was pretty much the helpful triangle this weekend, with everyone helping everyone.

Hubby confided in me he wants to live simply. This is good. I particularly admire nice cars and big houses, but just want a simple life.

He's actually suggested moving to a po'dunk town. Don't know if I want to do that. I admit, I'm pretty much a city girl. But I do like the quietness of a small town.

We'll see.


P.S. We hit a record in no rain days today in Arizona. I believe it's 104 days today. That's just 13 days away from a third of a year. That's a lot of time with no rain. I mean, who settles in the desert anyway? It's just plain stupid.

Friday, January 27, 2006

I need to frown more often

Image hosting by Photobucket

Do you see this?!

Do you see it?!?!

Oh yeah, I got a new haircut...but do you SEE the freaking lines?! I'm getting old! Old, I tell you!!!

Of course I wouldn't have these lines if I didn't smile so damn much.

Anyway, been a busy day. As you can tell, I am attempting to update my blogs look and failing horribly. Only because I'm trying to do it the easy way. Just changing the images in my template. Duh!

I should really attempt to do this the old fashion way. H.T.M.L baby!!!

But I'm too lazy.

So yeah, I got the new haircut. Feel good, but a little bit like Patty Duke with all the poofiness.

Have a fabulous weekend, y'all!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

No Control!!

Augh!!!! I can't get some of the settings on my post toolbar. I can't control the size of my font. And I can't control...ummm, well, I can't remember what else was there. But what if I wanted to use it?!?!

So who knows what font this will come out as. (Yeah, I know I have a Masters degree in IT and can program HTML from notepad, but I'm lazy. So what of it?!)

Today is just not a good day for me. My bodily functions are out of whack. I feel like I'm about to pop out a baby.

Speaking of which, do you have any innane fears? I do. My biggest one is that I'm pregnant and don't realize it.

You know, like those ladies in the news that say, "I thought I had the shits really bad, so I went to the bathroom and lo and behold, a baby popped out!"

How horrible. Aside from the fact that it's just completely scary that you could be pregnant and not even know it, what about that poor baby? Baptized in toilet water. And probably dirty toilet water. Yuck!!!!

So that's my fear. As I get older, I have all these stupid fears. For instance:

  • When you're a kid and you get a headache, you think you have a headache.
  • When you're an adult and have a headache, you think you have a tumor.

  • When you're a kid and you get indigestion, you think you have a tummy ache.
  • When you're an adult and get indigestion, you think you have stomach cancer.

  • When you're a kid and you get gas, you think it's hilarious.
  • When you're an adult and you get gas, you worry about the bathroom at work being empty.

Anyway, you get the point. Have fun being an adult now. Waitta second. Wasn't this supposed to be our glory days? Remember when we were kids and we would scream that when we got older, we would have ice cream FOR dinner, and stay up as late as WE want. Remember those?

Now I think, "If only I was a kid again. Mom and dad would pay my bills. I could just ask for cash. I could sleep in. Sleep in class. Have recess. not worry about tumors, heart attacks and cancer. And have ice cream without wondering about calories. Ahhhh, the good 'ole days."

Added note: I was in the "Edit HTML" view. Duh!!!! I switched over to "Compose" and looky there...buttons!!!! Augh, this is going to be a LONG day.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Random Trivia about me

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Onyxpurr!

  1. Japan provides over thirty percent of the world's onyxpurr supply.
  2. A sixteenth century mathematician lost his nose in a duel over his love for onyxpurr, and wore a silver replacement for the rest of his life.
  3. Onyxpurr can be very poisonous if injected intravenously!
  4. Olive oil was used for washing onyxpurr in the ancient Mediterranean world.
  5. The horns of onyxpurr are made entirely from hair.
  6. Devoid of her cells and proteins, onyxpurr has the same chemical makeup as sea water.
  7. Onyxpurr is the male seed of a flower blossom which has been gathered and treated by bees.
  8. The risk of being struck by onyxpurr is one occurence every 9,300 years.
  9. Onyxpurr cannot burp - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in her stomach.
  10. The National Heart Foundation recommends eating onyxpurr at least three times a week!

The Mechanical Contrivium: We Triv Your Ears

I personally like that last one. ;-)

Earworm and Appreciation

An earwork is defined as a song that is just so catchy you can't get it out of your head.

A definition is what speakers use to introduce a topic if they are not intelligent enough to come up with any other form of communication to describe a topic.

I just had to get that out. I'm sick and tired of speakers introducing topics by giving a dictionary definition of it first. Augh!!!!

Anwyay, I can't get Kanye West's Golddigger out of my head. Especially since I saw him on Ellen and deemed him completely worthy of his fame and fortune.


So hubby and I were heading into work today and I had a tiny epiphany. Hubby had the radio station set to classical. Some beautiful song was on that was definately created in the 1800s or earlier.

Then it hit me how fortunate we really are. Back in the day, musicians would create and play music for only the highest of society. Unless you were a somebody you were stuck only listening to Irish jigs and sleezy songs.

But today, we have such a variety of information at our finger tips and we just take it for granted. At the touch of a button we can listen to any type of music we feel like, without having to be royalty or a special guest.

Don't even get me started on the internet!

Well gotta get to workin. Until later, "I ain't sayin she a golddigger, golddigger, but she ain't going with some broke a'n, broke a'n"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Blah, blah, blah

Don't you hate it when you go through an entire day with tons of ideas on what to write on your blog, only to forget them the next morning? And then you have to write a completely innane entry simply because you feel the need to write something, but still can't remember what happened yesterday?

Well, hubby is back from vacation. And driving me insane.

I woke up late last night because the rommate had come home and he and hubby were having a little 'talk'. I hateit when hubby does this. He gets really pissed about something, most likely because he's tired, and just starts having a discussion with whomever about it.

Thankfully he did recognize this. This morning he mentioned that maybe he should postpone his little discussions until he's at least semi-conscious.

This week is still extremely busy. Tons of work, plus Blueberry moves in this week. (Although haven't seen hide nor hair of her since Sunday.)

Well better go. Adios, muchachos!!

Monday, January 23, 2006

I need some rest.

Because hubby was in Showlow all week, Blueberry and I had to pick him up this weekend.

We headed out Saturday after Weight Watchers and arrived around 1p.m. It wasn't freezing during the day, but man, was it freezing at night. When we woke up the next morning, the Cokes we had left in the car had frozen over.

So essentially this was my weekend...

Friday night - Blueberry stayed over. We watched Brothers Grimm.
Saturday - Weight Watchers. Drive to Showlow. Eat. Sleep.
Sunday - Wake up. Eat. Drive to Phoenix. Eat again. Sleep.

Not very exciting, huh?

It would have been nice if I could have gotten off work early on Friday...but Nooooooo, I had to stare at the screen for four hours, screaming at my monitor like a gambling addict at a dog race, shouting, "Run, you damn report, run!!!!"

Had I actually been gambling I would have lost. I found out this morning that my report took a whopping 7 hours to finish. Ugh!!!!!

On the lighter side of things, I am 10 pounds lighter. Yay!!! Do I look any different to you??

Friday, January 20, 2006

French Victories

From Pete Bevin's site

1. Go to Google.
2. Type French military victories.
3. Press “I’m Feeling Lucky”.

What a disheartening week.

Hubby has been in Showlow, so I've been incredibly bored at home. In order to entertain myself, I've been working late at night. Usually up til 11 p.m.

I was hoping that by working all these hours, I'd be able to take off early today to meet him up in Showlow for this weekend. But as luck has it, I have too many reports to finish, therefore I won't be heading up until tomorrow. To say the least, I'm bummed.

On the flip side of things though, hubby has submitted his work for The Addys. These are pretty well known advertisement awards. He can't submit nationally because the work he submitted was as a student. However, thanks to Blueberry, he was able to submit his ads for the student category in the Arizona awards. If he can get an Addy award, he can pretty much write his own ticket.

I had also hoped Blueberry would enter something. She's been a little bummed because the job market hasn't been very fruitful for her profession. She's still unemployed, but I'm sure it won't be for long. She does have talent. I just think she's fearful of the future. I think she also is fearful that her work isn't good enough. (Yeah, I know you're reading this Blueberry, but even you aren't exempt from my blog. Don't worry, you'll find something. You just have to believe in yourself.)

Okay, I better stop there before I go all Lifetime on your asses.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm a libertarian, what are you?


Funny, I remember in high school figuring this out. I don't say it comes much as a surprise as I think the old guys who founded this nation where pretty much on top of their game. Wonder what they would think of the good old US of A today?

Irony Week

Or maybe sarcasm. Not sure, too tired to differentiate the diff.

Anyway, I was laying back in bed last night, trying to figure out what to watch before going to dreamland. I was flipping through the 'ole digital guide, when I decided to give the Tyra show a looksee.

So the intro started. This show was about mulitple couples and the question of if monogamy was natural. Heff and his three bibmbette girlfriends were going to come on and talk about it. Throughout this whole intro, the rating for tv shows flashes. In a bigg ass (so big it requires two g's) black box it shows throughout the entire intro:


What?! Huh?! Ummm, isn't this the same content Mr. Stern got burned on and was forced from the public airwaves from with massive fines? TV G?

Now, I'm not sure but I thought a 'G' rating meant anyone, including impressionable young minds, could watch it. Who's doing these ratings?

Maybe it's my fault. I mean I didn't look up the ratings. Perhaps 'G' means 'Ghastly sexual topics' or 'Gonads mentioned'. I mean, shouldn't ANY show with Heff immediately rate at LEAST a PG-13?


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Blog Entry A Day Keeps The Insanity Away!!

Just let me get this out real quick before I continue on. In the past, I noticed several overused phrases by the media and our government that drive me nuts. For instance:

- Harrassment (not so much the word as the sudden changing of the pronunciation of it. It's pronounced 'her-ASS' people for a reason!)
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Smoke'em out
- New and improved

My latest gripe?

When watching television, about every five minutes, "This just in, can't miss this show, it was 'ripped from the headlines!' " Whateva.


So, while driving into work late today, I noticed a sea of little humans walking on the sides of the streets. (And I saw about 7 bright yellow buses, which is unusual.) I figured since I was going into work a little later, it was the skads of kids going into school that I usually don't see when I'm going in on time (it's amazing the things you miss just being a few minutes late or early than your usual routine.)

I mean there are tons of kids. Spilling over into the street. It looks like the Macy's parade just let out.

The ironic thing? Usually when I get into work by 9 a.m. There are two crossing guards in front of the street with the preschool when there is just a small amount of kids out. But today, when there were swarms of kids out? No crossing guards. Apparently the school district loves middle school kids as much as the rest of the world.

Adios muchachos!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Exhausted is the word of the day kiddies.

So is "special reports". Oh wait, that's two words...anyway, you get the idea.

Yesterday was a mad house. I had about five reports all due that day. In order to get them all finished, I ended up staying up until two in the morning. Okay, 2:30 a.m. Ugh!!!!

To give credit where it is due, my immediate boss did stay up until Midnight with me (via IM). Even the VP who was waiting for the report stayed up. I was shocked!!!

Anyway, I still got up at my usual time and headed into work. After my first meeting, my boss told me to go home and at least work in the comfiness of my pjs. I took her up on it.

However, fooshishly, I've been working and moving furniture around all day today. Now it's late enough that I don't want to go to bed. I'm afraid I'll wake up at about midnight and never get to sleep again.

I got quite a bit done though. Quite proud of myself. I finished a load of laundry, started two more, moved two desks, and a bookcase. Now I'm close to passing out, but not there quite yet. But then again I'm watching Fashion Police so no brain cells needed there.

Onyx, out!

Monday, January 16, 2006

I've seen it all!

I actually saw a guy walking out today in alligator boots. Not even the green kind but black and white. To top it off he was a short little guy with slicked back hair and a bolo tie. I think that may have been more amusing that the guy carrying a cross.

Yesterday was extremely boring. I ended up cleaning, well rather rearranging, the house. Blueberry is actually coming to stay with us for awhile until she can find permanent employment. So we have to empty everything out of her room into the rest of the house.

At first I thought this was going to be impossible, but I've already rearranged a few things that are making me think I may actually be able to pull this off. I even moved a 8' rack from the dining room to our bedroom. And moved a big Bowflex. Pretty spiffy, huh?

Anyway, gotta go. Busy day today. Ta, ta, loverlies!!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Friday the 13th had nothing on Saturday the 14th

Actually now I think about it. It may have all started on Friday. In the afternoon, we had a conference call and I got the wonderful responsibility of creating reports this weekend. I hate working during the weekend (you know, with attemtping to get a life and all), but at least I get to work from home.

Saturday started out well. Blueberry and I headed out to WW first thing in the morning and Glory Be! I had lost another 2.8 pounds last week. We then headed over to Albertsons, picked up some breakfast stuff and headed to my house to settle down for a nice yummy breakfast.

Right in the middle of making it, though, we got a phone call. It was hubby's mom. Hubby's grandmother was in the hospital again. She was vomiting and extremely dehydrated so they rushed her over to the hospital in an ambulance. Hubby's mom was about an hour away, so she asked us to head over there first. We shoved the food down our throats and headed out (abandoning Blueberry at our home.)

We arrived at the ER in record time. We asked about hubby's grandmother and they told us just to wait and someone would get us shortly. We waited probably about a good hour until they said she was in XRay and would let us know when she got out. That never happened. Mom showed up, we talked for awhile, then one of the doctors asked us to leave the waiting room because he had to break some news to a family in there.

Ummm, hello?!?! What're we? Chopped liver? He could've taken them in to triage (where there was no one). Or just inside the ER doors. First of all, I think it was extremely rude to ask us (a nervous waiting family) to leave the one area we knew was a guarantee to get news on grandma. Secondly I think it was pretty assholish of him to say in front of THAT family that he had some bad news to break to them...TO US!! Then, he never came back to say it was alright for us to go back in the room. I really hate doctors sometimes...well, any medical worker, really. Especially, those pompous triage people.

Anyway, I digress. We get back home (still nothing on grandma) and Blueberry is kicking it inside watching cable. I plopped down on the couch with her and we both watched cable for awhile. Then I get a phone call...it was MY mom. She bought a hard drive and installed it herself (have I told you how proud I am of this woman? I know very few civilians that would even attempt to install something via USB), however she needed an O/S for the new drive.

So I packed my bag of software goodies and headed over. Damnit! if that computer did not want an o/s loaded. I tried 2000, but it said it couldn't 'upgrade' without a previous version of windows. So I popped in the 98 cd and it wouldn't recognize. Then I tried installing 98 and it wouldn't work!!! I tried it on another pc of mom's that was trashed and it was doing the same thing. So I gathered up my stuff and her pc with a promise that I would back later with either a loaner of ours or hers working.

Got home. Thought about it. (Mom goes to school online and she really looked heartbroken when I told her I'd be back tomorrow with a pc. I mean 'I dropped the last of my favorite chocolate fudge ice cream on the floor' heartbroken.) So I headed right back over ther with a loaner.

On my way back home, I picked up some Subway. Had to cancel a rondevous with friends to a hooka bar (not not that kind of wacky tobacco, naughty reader!), but spent the rest of my night socializing with hubby and Blueberry. We topped it all off with a nice viewing of Ocean's Twelve and SNL.

So Sat started and ended well, but that middle was a killa!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Merry XMas Everyone!!!

So, this weekend all of my mom's side of the family is supposed to get together to celebrate XMas. We were all sick on the actual holiday so it had to be slightly postponed.

Yesterday, I get a call from my mom. Her pc is fried and would I mind coming over to try to fix it. (Seeing as how HP wants about $120 to warranty and fix it, and loving daughter charges nada.)

So I go over there after work, and see my aunt is there. I walk in and mom is opening presents. (It was her birthday on Dec 28th and she is still celebrating that too. Which I have to give props to mom because she can usually spread out a birthday into a birth-quarter.)

So I figure since most of the people have opened their gifts already, I'd hand out the remaining ones we have and be done with it already. We had decided to do a gift exchange, but I think mom and grandma cheated a little. My uncle was the one that had me for gift exchange. He's a great guy but a little short on cash (like me this holiday) so I wasn't expecting much. let me tell ya...his was the best darn gift I received the entire season. This is what he got me:

- "Make Love!* *The Bruce Campbell Way" book. I have desperately wanted this for months, but had forgotten about until I opened it up!!!
- St ives Whipped Silk lotion. My favorite because it's not greasy at all!
- Orchid scented lotion and shower gel. Desperaetly needed because I was running out of shower gel at home.

Then mom and grandma gave me a jewelry box, measuring cups that you can see the measurement from the top of the cup, and measuring spoons that you can switch out to be different measurments.

I wasn't able to fix ma's pc. Her hard drive completely crashed. But I was able to set her up on an old pc until I could switch out her hard drive this weekend. Ugh!!

Well that's about it. Have to get back to work now. Have a loverly weekend!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Before and After

How great does she look?!?!

Blueberry before...

And Blueberry after....

Isn't she adorable?

Favorite Blog Entry for Today

from PoopieBitch

This does not however remove me from lower class. Not sure what
class you fall into? Let me help.
You're upper class if you
go to work and your name is on the building. You're middle class if you go to
work and your name is on your desk. You're lower class if you go to work and
your name is on your shirt. I have always been, and may always be, lower

Ask and you shall receive...

Be careful what you ask for...

Yesterday I went on and on about how I had nothing to write and then BAM! yesterday was just chock full of events.

First of all, my good friend Missy's grandmother died yesterday. She had been in the hospital for over a week now and it hadn't been a complete surprise, however...

On top of that, hubby's grandmother is in the hospital right now. So Missy's grandmother's death brings things a little too close to home.

My mind has been riddled with questions and cliches, such as "Life is too fleeting." and guilt over not visiting my own grandmothers more often. Hopefully she's in a better place now.

Oddly enough, and I'm not sure what to read into this, but as I was leaving the parking lot from work yesterday, I saw a guy carrying large white cross on a wheel. He was carrying it in the fashion of Christ. There was no sign, he wasn't dressed up. I'm not really sure what to make of it. How weird.

After arriving home, hubby and I had a quick discussion with our rommate then I headed out to my Mary Kay meeting.

I'm not really sure how I feel about this yet. If I put my all into it, I could make a lot of money. However, you need money to make money, and I don't have money right now. If I were to go gung-ho, I would have to buy all kinds of inventory and such. Plus I'm not really a salesperson. I dunno. I am looking forward to using it though. And I would like to hostess a few parties.

The only decision I've made thus far, is not to worry about it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So what's going on in your corner of the world?

I don't feel like there's much going on, but I guess there is.

I just started Mary Kay again. (For the small percentage of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Mary Kay is a cosmetics company. I feel a very good cosmetics company.) I love their product and refuse to pay retail, so I joined up again. I don't really intend to make a profession out of it, but we'll see. At least I'll get my product dirt cheap now.

Hubby is feeling better, however has a few issues still remaining. He had a difficult time going to sleep last night. Partly because I snore like a freight train lately. he kept nudging me awake and I had a fit! Aside from that, his back is acting up on him, but I think it's because he started exercising again.

We're celebrating XMas this weekend. My aunt, mom, hubby, and I were all sick on XMas so we had to reschedule. Should be fun.

Well I guess there's really NOT that much going on. I'll write later when I have something to write about.

Ta, ta for now!

Monday, January 09, 2006

She's so fucking depressing!

Yeah, I hear you over there from across the seas, or the plains, or whatever divides us. I know you probably read through about two sentences of my blog lately only to get frustrated from lack of humorous content and click away in disgust.

I don't blame you. I have been negative lately. But I've been a little ball of stress lately too. Nothing new, just same old shit. Bills, cleaning, hardly any time to myself and PMS up the wazoo. (Ewww, nasty visual, sorry about that.)

On a lighter note, things are looking up. I had a fairly decent weekend and pretty much sat on my ass all day yesterday and watched HGTV and Style network.

Yes, I'm a lazy ass, but I'm a happy lazy ass for the meantime.

On a related note, has anyone seen the 'Half Ton Man' episode on Discovery Health? They showed various people who weighed over half a ton at one point in their lives. Then they showed them at various points in their life, losing the weight, sometimes gaining it back, medical research on why people are obese. It was very interesting.

I personally like to prescribe to the "because I'm a lazy ass and eat too much" theory. I admit it's my fault. It has nothing to do with being neglacted as a child, or some whirlwind romance gone bad. I imply eat because I'm bored, nervous, happy, you mention the emotion and I'm sure it's associated with eating somehow. Even horniness.

Anyhoo, congrats to me. I made it through the holiday season and only gained half a pound. Which I thought was a great feat, until Ms. Blueberry told me she lost 5 pounds. Bitch! (I'm just kidding. I'm so happy for you and you are a great help in keeping me on track.)

I'm still happy though. I'll be even more happy if I stay on track and lose about 2 lbs this week. Cross your fingers and hide your chocolate for me!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!

I just checked my mail. Guess what I found out?

I have TWO institutions to pay back my student loans to. TWO!!!!

One I've been good about, but apparently I'm already a month behind on my other one. So I have TWO, count 'em T-W-O, payments to make on that one by the 23rd.


So my student payments in total are now about $700. FUCK!!!


On a lighter note, hubby is looking around and may have potentially found some work. Cross your fingers, or fold your hands, whatever would help out.


Alarmed Door

Apparently signmakers skip grammar in school. Everytime I see this sign...

I visualize this...

I know...pitiful drawing, but I'm at work and all I had to work with is Paint and 5 minutes.

Dilbert Fan

I am a big Dilbert fan. Therefore, when I bought my daily planner, I purchased the Dilbert edition. It has a Dilbert cartoon for each day. I've had it for about 9 months now.

In addition to my daily planner, during the Christmas gift exchange, I also received a Dilbert calendar.

For some reason lately, everytime I rip off a page from the calendar, I have this weird dejavu feeling. I checked my daily planner for the same day and they don't match. So for a few days I didn't realize why I had felt like I just read the same Dilbert cartoon.

Today I decided to do a little Nancy Drew work. I paged through my daily planner for today's calendar strip. After a few days...BINGO! Same comic. I paged to the next day...same thing. Apparently I have the same strips in both my calendar and daily planner.

Had I bought my calendar, I would have been really pissed. At least the Sunday ones are different. But still....

This guy has been in business for how long? And he has to have the same cartoons all over everything?? (sigh)

On a lighter note, The Office rocked yesterday. If you haven't caught either the British or American versions of this tv show, I suggest you soon do.

Have a good Friday everyone!!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I thought I was lazy...

So this morning I decided I was going to sleep in...again. Fortunately my job allows me to do this as I am salary and really can set my own hours as long as they add up to forty by the end of the week. Well...fortyish. Really thirtish.

Anyway, this morning was not very relaxing. I thought I was bad with alarms. I had no idea when we allowed our roommate to stay with us that he had hearing of an 80 year old man with tons of ear hair. He lets his alarm (which I can hear through my wall) go for about thirty minutes or when I bang on his door, usually whichever one is the most annoying.

After banging on his door and hitting my snooze alarm, I hear a phone go off. It's hubby's phone alarm in hubby's office. So I have to get up yet again to go switch the torture device off.

Finally I decide it's time for me to wake up. I get showered and dressed by about 8:20 a.m. A quick stop off for cigs and Coke (breakfast of champions) and I get into work a little before 9 a.m.

I do a check for my boss. She's not here. I get into my cubie and notice that my workmate is still not here either. And I was worried that I was late. Ah, ha, ha, ha...

It is now 9:30 and the boss just made it in and I have yet to see the workmate.

Isn't work wonderful?? I love working here. You know, aside from the crappy coffee and annoying customers...it's all good.

Happy Wednesday everyone!!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Everyone's Opionated

And apparently missing. Where the heck is everyone? I expected everyone to be busy through 01/01, but I still haven't heard a peep from you guys.

Well I hope that everyone is too busy having fun.

Anyway, back to MY topic.

I was driving into work today when I spotted something akin to this:

Okay, I am all for free speech and the sharing of opinions and I HATE, I mean really HATE that stupid Darwin eating Jesus fish sticker, but you wanna know the reason why I hate this one even more?

1) Logically, this sticker is all wrong. One of Darwin's theories is 'survival of the fittest', which makes the Darwin eating Jesus sticker slightly more well thought out. Darwin (supposedly the more fit) takes down Jesus. This just doesn't work the other way because a) Jesus isn't violent and b) this new sticker is essentially upholding christianism with a Darwin concept.

2) A good christian doesn't believe in doing thngs out of spite and that's ALL that this sticker is about. They got pissed because the Darwinist's came up with a good sticker and they had to lash out. Me? Quite frankly I think christianity doesn't need to lower itself to other's levels by making fun of other theories. What I believe in has NOTHING to do with what you believe in.

3) This is just stupid. You don't make your point by mocking another person's point. This is why I hated the Darwin stickers to begin with. You want to believe in Darwinism? Fine by me. That's your choice. But don't go a mockin' mine. You disagree? Then talk to me like a civilized adult with factual information. Don't hide behind a schmarmy cartoonlike sticker you attach to your car. (*coughdumabasscough*)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Aren't we supposed to learn from history?

I'm a firm believer in the saying, "Those who do not read and understand history are doomed to repeat it."

I was watching the news the other day and they showed a clip of a poltician talking about the Vietnam war. He was explaining that many people had been led to believe the war in Vietnam would be quick. That we would go over there, do our job, and pull immediately out. However that war lasted 13 years.

Today, many people believed that the Iraq war would be the same. That we would get in there, do our thing, and pull out. It's been about three years now, and let me tell you, it's going to be awhile. Probably longer than Vietnam.

It just amazes me the innocence of the people here in America. They believe whatever fool thing the politicians tell them. Following blindly a leader who has been known to lie before.

I fully support the American way, however I'm not sure I agree with the direction this country is going. I know we can't pull out but I believe it was wrong to go over there in the first place.


I'm gonna go snuggle with my fwitten now.

Happy New Year everyone!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Let Me Be The First To Wish You...

a very Crappy New Year!!!

Oh don't get me wrong. I had all good intentions to start out with.

Then as I as lying in bed, starting to fall asleep, yet still fighting to stay awake, I smelled cat food. I thought, "This is a good sign. My sense of smell must be coming back if I can smell that. But why do I smell it? Does our house really smell that bad?"

I looked all around me expecting to see at least one fwitten laying next to my head with bad fish breath. But no, no foul-mouthed fwittens to be seen.

So I snugged in and then invited a scared pooch to join me on the bed. He was shaking, so I swept my hand over to comfort him and came into direct contact with cat vomit.

After several minutes of cleaning it up, then trying to get comfortable in bed again, I glanced at the telly and noticed only three minutes til the new year.

I noticed the smallest furry one was missing, and after calling him several times, decided to hunt him down to console him. It was then, that I walked into the living room and noticed several dark spots on the carpet. I switched the light on and voila! A plethora of runny and firm dog turds all over my living room carpet.

Why the carpet when the rest of the house is 90% tile, you ask? I don't know. Damn dog!!

So my New Year was spent cleaning up cat vomit and dog turds while flinching from the sounds of fireworks (hope it doesn't burn up all the dry leaves in my yard) or worse a bullet dropping down from the skies to snuggle nicely in my round head.

I figured I'd share the xperience with you as I waited for my carpet cleaner to dry and commence vacumming.

Happy New Year!!