Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Exhausted is the word of the day kiddies.

So is "special reports". Oh wait, that's two words...anyway, you get the idea.

Yesterday was a mad house. I had about five reports all due that day. In order to get them all finished, I ended up staying up until two in the morning. Okay, 2:30 a.m. Ugh!!!!

To give credit where it is due, my immediate boss did stay up until Midnight with me (via IM). Even the VP who was waiting for the report stayed up. I was shocked!!!

Anyway, I still got up at my usual time and headed into work. After my first meeting, my boss told me to go home and at least work in the comfiness of my pjs. I took her up on it.

However, fooshishly, I've been working and moving furniture around all day today. Now it's late enough that I don't want to go to bed. I'm afraid I'll wake up at about midnight and never get to sleep again.

I got quite a bit done though. Quite proud of myself. I finished a load of laundry, started two more, moved two desks, and a bookcase. Now I'm close to passing out, but not there quite yet. But then again I'm watching Fashion Police so no brain cells needed there.

Onyx, out!

1 comment:

blueberi said...

wow you must have the room almost cleaned out