Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Everyone's Opionated

And apparently missing. Where the heck is everyone? I expected everyone to be busy through 01/01, but I still haven't heard a peep from you guys.

Well I hope that everyone is too busy having fun.

Anyway, back to MY topic.

I was driving into work today when I spotted something akin to this:

Okay, I am all for free speech and the sharing of opinions and I HATE, I mean really HATE that stupid Darwin eating Jesus fish sticker, but you wanna know the reason why I hate this one even more?

1) Logically, this sticker is all wrong. One of Darwin's theories is 'survival of the fittest', which makes the Darwin eating Jesus sticker slightly more well thought out. Darwin (supposedly the more fit) takes down Jesus. This just doesn't work the other way because a) Jesus isn't violent and b) this new sticker is essentially upholding christianism with a Darwin concept.

2) A good christian doesn't believe in doing thngs out of spite and that's ALL that this sticker is about. They got pissed because the Darwinist's came up with a good sticker and they had to lash out. Me? Quite frankly I think christianity doesn't need to lower itself to other's levels by making fun of other theories. What I believe in has NOTHING to do with what you believe in.

3) This is just stupid. You don't make your point by mocking another person's point. This is why I hated the Darwin stickers to begin with. You want to believe in Darwinism? Fine by me. That's your choice. But don't go a mockin' mine. You disagree? Then talk to me like a civilized adult with factual information. Don't hide behind a schmarmy cartoonlike sticker you attach to your car. (*coughdumabasscough*)

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