Thursday, January 26, 2006

No Control!!

Augh!!!! I can't get some of the settings on my post toolbar. I can't control the size of my font. And I can't control...ummm, well, I can't remember what else was there. But what if I wanted to use it?!?!

So who knows what font this will come out as. (Yeah, I know I have a Masters degree in IT and can program HTML from notepad, but I'm lazy. So what of it?!)

Today is just not a good day for me. My bodily functions are out of whack. I feel like I'm about to pop out a baby.

Speaking of which, do you have any innane fears? I do. My biggest one is that I'm pregnant and don't realize it.

You know, like those ladies in the news that say, "I thought I had the shits really bad, so I went to the bathroom and lo and behold, a baby popped out!"

How horrible. Aside from the fact that it's just completely scary that you could be pregnant and not even know it, what about that poor baby? Baptized in toilet water. And probably dirty toilet water. Yuck!!!!

So that's my fear. As I get older, I have all these stupid fears. For instance:

  • When you're a kid and you get a headache, you think you have a headache.
  • When you're an adult and have a headache, you think you have a tumor.

  • When you're a kid and you get indigestion, you think you have a tummy ache.
  • When you're an adult and get indigestion, you think you have stomach cancer.

  • When you're a kid and you get gas, you think it's hilarious.
  • When you're an adult and you get gas, you worry about the bathroom at work being empty.

Anyway, you get the point. Have fun being an adult now. Waitta second. Wasn't this supposed to be our glory days? Remember when we were kids and we would scream that when we got older, we would have ice cream FOR dinner, and stay up as late as WE want. Remember those?

Now I think, "If only I was a kid again. Mom and dad would pay my bills. I could just ask for cash. I could sleep in. Sleep in class. Have recess. not worry about tumors, heart attacks and cancer. And have ice cream without wondering about calories. Ahhhh, the good 'ole days."

Added note: I was in the "Edit HTML" view. Duh!!!! I switched over to "Compose" and looky there...buttons!!!! Augh, this is going to be a LONG day.


blueberi said...

i would love to be a kid again. nothing to worry about would be nice. I knew someone that had a kid and she didn't know she was pregnant. Well, that's what I heard.

Ms. Adventures said...

Yea I know what you mean, I'm always telling my kids to enjoy it while it lasts cause they're always saying I can't wait until I'm ______ (fill in a milestone age here).

The fabric of my life said...

Hahaha I love your blog today. I keep telling my 15 year old (who 'can't wait to get outta here') to appreciate being young and carefree but she doesn't.

Tanya said...

hahaha me too! I've also done that before and switched over to compose and it's helllloooooooo.... I worry about dropping down dead from a heart attack, in fact having anxiety over that this week big time..About every two years i get like this, stress methinks... oh to be a child again....