Monday, January 16, 2006

I've seen it all!

I actually saw a guy walking out today in alligator boots. Not even the green kind but black and white. To top it off he was a short little guy with slicked back hair and a bolo tie. I think that may have been more amusing that the guy carrying a cross.

Yesterday was extremely boring. I ended up cleaning, well rather rearranging, the house. Blueberry is actually coming to stay with us for awhile until she can find permanent employment. So we have to empty everything out of her room into the rest of the house.

At first I thought this was going to be impossible, but I've already rearranged a few things that are making me think I may actually be able to pull this off. I even moved a 8' rack from the dining room to our bedroom. And moved a big Bowflex. Pretty spiffy, huh?

Anyway, gotta go. Busy day today. Ta, ta, loverlies!!

1 comment:

blueberi said...

hey if you need any help rearranging anything, just let me know.