Monday, January 30, 2006

Please Don't Pick Your Ass in Front of Me

Okay, granted, I'm usually more irritable than normal in the morning. But things just kept on pissing me off.

I was standing in line at the Circle K when someone just cut right into line at the cashier. When I noticed no one gave a crap, I figured she must have went to checkout, realized she didn't have enough cash, then went back out to her car to get some. Not sure why she didn't know she didn't have enough cash and should've just brought it all in the first place, but that is neither here nor there (which I don't know what the hell that means, but it sounds appropriate.)

While she is checking out, she reaches down towards her crack and yanks her wedged up panties out of her ass. Then she feels upwards and adjusted her boobs in plain sight of everyone including the cashier.

Now ladies, I understand the need for readjustment. I really do. I'm a frequent offender. However, I really don't want to see you digging around in your ass crack for your wadded up underwear when I'm purchasing food. Be in pain for the moment, go to the restroom, turn a corner, stand up against a wall, just don't do it in plain view of everyone. Bleh!


So this weekend was busy, yet not at the same time. We helped Blueberry move on Saturday. Everything went fairly smoothly except hubby had a massive panic attack on the way to her apartment. It was so strong he actually got out of the car and walked back home on foot. Or at least attempted to. Some nice good samaritan called his firefighter buddies and they escorted him home. Then they told him it was just a panic attack and he needed some major meds.

He sees a counselor soon, so hopefully that'll help.

Other than that, we moved all her stuff, helped the other roommate out with his car. It was pretty much the helpful triangle this weekend, with everyone helping everyone.

Hubby confided in me he wants to live simply. This is good. I particularly admire nice cars and big houses, but just want a simple life.

He's actually suggested moving to a po'dunk town. Don't know if I want to do that. I admit, I'm pretty much a city girl. But I do like the quietness of a small town.

We'll see.


P.S. We hit a record in no rain days today in Arizona. I believe it's 104 days today. That's just 13 days away from a third of a year. That's a lot of time with no rain. I mean, who settles in the desert anyway? It's just plain stupid.

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