Monday, October 10, 2005

Don'tcha Just hate Serious Blogs???

Is dontcha hyphenated?? Hmmmmm....

Two things we did this weekend that are blog entry worthy.

#1. Saw 'Serenity'. Don't bother. Any Dungeons and Dragons master will tell you it's "Schuper cool!", but lemme tell you right now, it's just shy of being a really great movie. It made a left onto cheesmo avenue and is headng directly towards the center of 'doesn't quite cut it'. The plot? Good. The effects? Not bad. The acting? Oh...My...God...the actors were horrible. Apparently when they went to acting school, there was a misprint in the Acting 101 handbook dedicated to 'delivery.' The delivery was soooo bad that a US postal worker could have done better. (Bada bing!) Anyways, if you want to waste your hard earned money, go ahead, but don't say I didn't warn you. Better to wait until PPV or rental.

(Sidenote: In looking for a pic to acurately depict the movie, I found an explanation of why this movie's acting sooo sucks. "From the creators of 'Buffy and Angel'" Ohhhhhhh. (slaps forehead) It totally makes sense now!!!!)

#2. Went to the Phoenix Zoo with hubby and friend, Bluebert, yesterday. It was soooo much fun. Why do we even bother going to movies?? Bluebert, hubby, and I kept on singing the 'Lions in Kenya' song ( I still can't get it out of my head.

Then when we did actually see the tiger, hubby started yelling, "Help! Help! I'm a poor defenseless human with a broken leg. Someone come help me!" But the tiger didn't seem to care. Apparently it had just been fed a gallon of Pounce and therefore didn't require human consumption.

I kept on running around to all the cat exhibits and calling out, "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. That's a good wittle fwitten!!" and hubby kept on laughing at me saying that "fwitten" would swipe my head off in a heartbeat.

I did get the otter to look at me though. I leaned forward over the railing and that piqued his interest. He'd swim around for a little while then pop his head above the water and check us out. Then his (or her) mate jumped into the water and took the attention of our otter away.

All in all we walked about 2 hours and had a blast. Bluebert and hubby talked a lot about school. I tuned them out. (Just kidding.) We walked around and made fun of animals (so as not to show our depression over their obvious imprisonment) and munched on Jolly Ranchers. (Bluebert, you still have those, right? Just joking.)


blueberi said...

yeah i actually do still have the jolly ranchers. I completely forgot about them.

Ms. Adventures said...

That sounds like fun, the zoo that is.... Don't tell Crystal you hated Serinity! She swears by it. I didn't go, sci-fi isn't my cup o tea.