Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Random Thoughts

Chicken in a can is actually quite good for certain things. Like chicken salad sandwiches. Very tender although a little salty. I can get it on sale at Costco. Costco is the greatest!!!! You can get all kinds of good food there inexpensively if you have the money to spend a little extra for bulk.

I am a little tired today, although I was able to fit in 20 minutes of step aerobics yesterday. (Yay me!!) However, last night I woke up with a cold nose at the bottom of my foot. It kept on nudging, so I woke up and wondered, "What the heck? Does the dog need to go outside?" Then I looked out the window. It was completely dark, then a flash of lightening.

Lightening without thunder or rain is very weird. So very surreal. And if you don't know by now, I totally dig the surreal. So I kept looking outside, waiting for thunder or rain. The dogs kept on pacing back and forth, and another flash appeared. Then a small bit of thunder, then a rain pour.

Our house must be situated directly underneath a flight plath because usually late at night you hear a plane fly over very close by. It doesn't sound like a jet, but still fairly large. At times like these I always wonder, "If there was a terrorist attack, how would I know?" But then the plane continues on it's path, and I lie back down, pondering the media and it's role on our fears.

Nothing has ever happened in my life, or ever really in society in general, to make me fear odd things such as aliens or terrorist attacks. Granted we had Pearl Harbor and 9/11, but these are rare occurances. Nothing repeated that would make a person fear for their life every time a plane goes by or lightening strikes. But like most, I watch all the sci-fi movies and shows about aliens, creatures, and other wordly things. We all wonder about them and fear them. I guess this is ingrained somewhat because even before movies, cultures believed in these things. The witch hunts in Salem, the gods in Mayan and Egyptian cultures. So I guess it isn't all that unusual.

Why do we crave the exciting, but hope for the mundane? I mean, if something really did happen, like an earthquake, I doubt I would find it alluring in the least. But a part of me craves the adrenalin rush. Something exciting. Something different. But should that ever happen to me, wouldn't I be afraid and bitching constantly about how I want it to end or to never have happened?

Damn media.


Oh before I forget. Hubby and I were driving to work today. On our way, we looked over at a women parked in a parking lot on the side of the road. Before we knew it, she leaned over and puked in full view out the side of her car. Ugh!!! Of course, hubby had to lturn over right afterwards and ask: "So, what would you like for breakfast?"

Damn sarcastic humor.

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