Monday, October 24, 2005

Weekend Update

Slow weekend, huh?

Anyway, my weekend was good. Started off with dinner and a movie late Friday night with friend BlueBert and hubby. We ate at The Spaghetti Company. Then rented Kicking and Screaming. It was pretty funny.

Early Saturday morning, I got up and went to Weight Watchers. As I strolled up to the counter, the lady asked me, "Is this your first time at Weight Watchers?" I jokingly replied, "Well my first for the thirteenth time." She just chuckled and gave me my form to fill out. When they weighed me I had actually lost a few pounds since last week. I felt kind of cheated that I couldn't mark those couple of pounds down as lost.

I kind of pigged out for the weekend as we had a BBQ later that afternoon. But I'm still under my limit for the week. I was running around all day in preperation for it. Right after WW, I went to Costco and bought up a whole bunch of food. Then hubby and I went out for breakfast. Then we came back and hubby washed the three mangy mutts (and stinky, whoo, boy!!), while I cleaned the house.

Then about that time we had to get ready for the BBQ. It was nice although we only had two people show up.
Bluebert and another friend. Hubby ended up crashing out about 9:30 p.m.

Sunday we just lazed about. I was so freakin tired and grumpy. We both were from trying to quit smoking. We're like an A-bomb when we're together and trying to quit smoking. I really need to watch my attitude.
Anyway, that was my weekend. Hopefully I'll be a bit lighter come next weekend.

I already feel better. Not so bloated. I think my clothes even fit a little bit better. Here's to a svelte and sexy me come New Years!!!


The fabric of my life said...

Well done Onyx. You'll be skinny as a pin before you know it.

My kitchen is nearly done. I'll put photos up soon.

Ms. Adventures said...

Wow congrats on all the new positive changes!!

Keep with it, especially the smoking one. You'll be so glad you did, then the gym won't be so rough.

Tanya said...

Well done from me too...