Friday, October 28, 2005

I feel like CRAP!!!

Okay, not that bad, but pretty close.

So I jump on the scale at home and it says I haven't pretty much lost anything since I started dieting. This sucks!!!! I guess I'll see what it says Saturday at WW, but still. :-p

On top of that, I feel tired all the freakin time, my lower back hurts in the a.m.

I do feel a little bit better, not so bloated. But my stomach is just pooching out big time.

I'm not giving up though. I'm going to restrict those calories, start drinking more water, and exercising. Hopefully that'll push my body into gear. Stupid body!!!

On a lighter note, we're supposed to go to the Beck concert tonight. That should be fun!!

Okay, back to the pity party!!! Bleh!!! I just want to lose this weight. This is soooo aggravating. But I'll keep keepin on, because if I just continue what I've always done, I'll just keep gettin' what I was gettin'. I know I could have put that a bit more eloquently, but screw it!!

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