Thursday, October 06, 2005

Happiness and Frustration

Guess who came to visit me this morning?? Yep, my aunt. Thank God!!!! Now I have the time to lose that weight and get back into shape. Plus I lost my pound back. Yay!!!

Now onto frustration...

So I was rolling down Central yesterday, talking to God. And quite frankly, this is what I told him, "Are you sure you don't want to reneg on the whole rainbow promise not to flood out humanity thing? Really? Because I give you full permission. Really?! You're a much better God and Father than I could ever hope to be. I'd drown these suckas in a heartbeat."


#1. Rude assholes on the road. I've seen people continue to drive past ambulances, fire trucks, stopped schoolbuses. Speed by school crosswalks, pedestrians. These assholes think they own the road and no one else matters. Which bring me to

#2. Rude assholes who think they own the world and we are just the peons to support them and put up with their shit. People I lump into this category?
  • People with cell phones that must use them WHEREVER and EVERYWHERE they go. Bathrooms, resteraunts, cars, meetings, every freaking where. Geez!!! Get a life!!
  • Parents that let their children run wild and don't apologize for them. I remember when I was a kid, and if at any time a parent let their kid knock into someone or create havoc, they would pull them aside, tell them to stop, and apologize to whomever was around. Now, they just glare at you as if you're an intruder on their kids personal playground. People like this make me want to smack them, not their kids.
  • Parents that put their kids in danger without blinking an eye. Youknow the type. "Honey, you want to go run in the street and play chicken with the cars?? Well go ahead but don't interrupt mom's conversation with her girlfriend on freaky sex." Ugh!!!! When they're not paying attention, I have this extreme desire to just snatch up their kid and make them freak out for awhile before returning the brat.
  • Big fat people who complain about being fat but stuff themselves full of Mickey Ds and lay their fat asses on the sofa. What's even worse is when they complain that some childhood trauma is the reason why they're like this. You know what sista? I've had some experiences in my life, just like everyone has. We all have fucked up families, had fucked up relationships, and fucked up friends at one point. But just pick yer self up, brush yourself off and continue with life. Unless you have some actual serious physical disability, like you have no arms and no legs, I don't want to hear it. A little bit of whining and venting is allowed, but don't wallow in it and blame everyone else. It doesn't make you skinnier or more acceptable.
  • Schmarmy policticians, and yes, Mr. Bush you qualify. I am sick and tired of hearing the lies. I'm sick and tired of hearing the agendas. i want a politician that actually cares about people and knows how to budget. But I really beleive that pigs will literally sprout wings and fly before this happens.

Hmmmm, I'm running out of oompf. I've been IMing my sister in law and she's been talking about this poor 9 year old kid with heart problems who donated his stuffed animals to the hospital childrens ward for Easter. This is her friends kid and she's worried about them because he goes into surgery soon.

Part of our conversation:

it's funny because yesterday i watched him playing...and hey,
he's just like any other 9 year old kid. his mom has never treated him
differently so he's very well adjusted. he just can't run as fast as the
other kids and gets very tired easily. he gets to go to a special camp for
cardiac kids. they have pediatric cardiologists on staff and a huge number
of pediatric cardiac nurses. he's had numerous strokes and we were
optimistic because his 2nd and 3rd grade years were really good. generally when
cold/flu season hit he's in the hospital for weeks at a time. the valves
in his heart have been leaking profusely though, so much so that his mom can
hear it with a normal stethascope. and he is not a candidate for a
transplant. so they are going to try and insert a mechanical
Onyxpurr: Why is he not a candidate for transplant?
Julie: i'm not sure. Julie: you know it is trevor that helped his mom
come to Christ. he's a neat kid, when he was younger and spent his first
spring out of the hospital...he told his mom that he wanted to take his stuffed
animals down to the kids that had to spend easter in the hospital. i think
he dressed up like a bunny.

Damnit!!! Just when I was getting all riled up. Poor kid. Kids are so damn cool. And you wonder why I want one?

Okay God, I give. No flood. Just watch out for that little guy.

1 comment:

Ms. Adventures said...


I SO totally agree! Dammit.
see my post: