Monday, November 14, 2005

Another Weekend Come and Gone!!

*yawn* and another week at work has started. At least I have next week off. I can't wait!!!

So Saturday morning I went to Weight Watchers. Gained half a pound, which I was slightly surprised at. Worked my butt off exercising (apparently not literally). But I have noticed this always happens when I start exercising. I gain. Bleh!!!

So this week, I'm dedicated to eating less and also exercising less. Maybe every other day as opposed to every day.

Saturday night we went to go watch a friend sing at a local coffee shop. The coffee shop itself is definately the best in the neighborhood. We watched a lot of good singers and hung around outside discussing various topics. I'm sure I bored hubby and friend by discussing work. You know...random mumblings about the local kiss-asses and nepotisim that happens at any company.

Then we headed to 5 & Diner to talk some more. We were there until 1 am!!! I couldn't believe it!!! But I was so glad hubby got along with my friends. We even set a tentative date to play board games, such as Scrabble!! Yay!!!!

Sunday was spent pretty much lazing around. The house looks much better, but I wish I had gotten around to cleaning the bathroom. Not one of my favorite chores. The roommate finished the front yard. Looks great!!

Oh, and I guess we decided to stay at our house for another year. We have a penalty fee if we pay off the mortgage before then so hubby and I decided it would be in our best interests to stay a little while longer.

Not a very fun entry, I know, but it's only 8 a.m. and I'm still tired, therefore extremely boring.

Take care all!!

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