Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Weight Watchers and Halloween

So Saturday I weighed in for my first week on Weight Watchers. What a dissapointment!!! Let me give you a little advice. Never start a diet the same week your friend comes to visit. You know, that monthly friend. ;-)

Ugh!!! I guess all things considered, it wasn't that bad. I lost almost an entire pound. We'll see what happens this Saturday though. I'll be very disappointed if I don't lose any weight.

Especially since I busted ass last night fixing up the living room and bedroom. The old man, my hubby, is having problems sleeping on our bed anymore. "It's too soft." I feel like Mama Bear. Anyway, we have a twin bed that's perfect for his needs. So I moved out my so-called desk from our bedroom, moved it into the living room (because it's really a dining room table), then moved all the furniture around and put up the twin bed in the bedroom.

Did I mention I did this all myself??

Hubby has a bad back....don't want to aggravate it. Roommate was asleep (but if he doesn't start on that front yard soon I'm going to bust his balls), therefore it was up to just li'l old me to do all the moving around. I enjoyed it actually.

I'm going to bust butt tonight and start rearranging and throwing junk away. I'm so sick and tired of that house looking the way it does. I rearrange and clean, but it always ends up cluttered again. Augh!!!!!!

1 comment:

Ms. Adventures said...

I KNOW!! I'm getting ready to start and haven't lost but like .5 lbs this week and even though I know it's just not showing cause "my friend's" coming to town, it's still depressing!!

Good for you moving all that stuff by your wittle ol' self!!

Onyx, you've seen Crystal's, Beth's and mine new blog right!? Divas Dishing The Dirt