Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

This will be brief as I don't feel very well.

We had a good Thanksgiving (still having it actually.) Bluebert came over and helped me cook my first full Thanksgiving dinner. Did the turkey, homemade stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry, and biscuits. It actually turned out very well. Everything came out perfect!!!

I was so worried, because it was my first Thanksgiving doing a turkey. But my boss gave me a recipe and it turned out very well!

As for myself though, I haven't been feeling well lately. I think it may be due in part to the REALLY BAD pollution we've had. I have a horrendous headache right now. And just feel uncomfortable in general. I took some clariton and that did make me feel better. However this headache has been hanging on. I took a few ibprofen and hopefully I'll be feeling much better soon.

Well I hope everyone else had a great Turkey Day!!!

Hmmm, before I leave I should probably write what I'm thankful for. Seems only appropriate:

I am thankful for:
1) Great friends
2) Great family
3) Great hubby
4) The health and happiness of those I love
5) That my Thanksgiving dinner turned out good
6) My job
7) My house and abundant food
8) My freedom
9) Hopefully my feeling better soon ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

The fabric of my life said...

Happy Thanksgiving Onyx. Hope you feel better soon honey :-)