Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I am not in a good mood

This diet is aggravating me. I have been staying on plan faithfully and the weight is STILL not coming off. I tried to make a promise to myself that I would not step on the scale, but I can't even do that!! I gained .2 pounds since yesterday!! No ryhme or reason. Lord knows I stayed faithful to my diet. I may give this another two weeks before I go talk to my doctor. Not losing weight while dieting is really getting to me psychologically.

Aside from that, I think I may have a slight bit of depression. Not sure if it's the weight or just the mundaneness of life during the week. All I seem to be is everyone's keeper.

I go through these periods. Especially during the holidays. I feel like a freakin hamster on a spinning wheel...wake up, go to work, go home, watch tv, clean the house, go to sleep, repeat...

I'm not sure what I need to do to kick myself out of this. I'll probably feel better in the afternoon.

I'm sure part of it is work. I asked someone for information to do a report and they were not in the least bit helpful. As a matter of fact they gave me the wrong information source to run the report and I came out looking like an ass!! Is it too much to ask for the same amount of support I give others?

In my frustration I haven't visited family at all. I need to visit some grandmothers. I need to visit my mother. I should write my father. But at the end of the day, I just want to mope. I sit on the couch and watch television while my husband plays games on the computer. (sigh)

I'm sure I'll get over this. Especially if I can lose some weight. Perhaps because of my slowed metabolism I should decrease my calories? I dunno.

Sorry for the bummer post, but with the lack of comments anyway, I'm sure no one is actually reading this. I can understand. It's a busy time of year.

Perhaps I'll post later when I feel better.

1 comment:

The fabric of my life said...

Hey Onyx! I know how you feel. I went back to weight watchers today as the rot has started to creep in again and my weight is going up. Dieting is sooooo boring, I hate it but I love being slim and wearing lovely clothes. It's mind over matter sweetie. If you think you can do it, you're right. If you think you can't do it you are also right. Positive thinking. You go girl :-)