Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What a waste of time last night!!!!

I did make dinner, however the rest of the night was pretty much sittingon my butt watching television. We both crashed at about 9 p.m.

We both love 'My Name is Earl' and the american version of 'The Office', so we both sat on the couch together and watched those. Didn't see the roommate until about 9 p.m., but I just about ready to kick his ass!!!

The arrangement was that he could live rent free until December, but he had to take care of the yards (back and front). I made it specifically clear that the front yard was my main concern. I wanted it NOT to look deplorable as we could get fined if the weeds grow taller than yea high.

Granted he went hunting last week, but the front yard has not been touched since our little discussion. So now I'm deliberating over whether I should just go ahead and mow it today, cuss his ass out, and charge him for it. Or wait until I actually catch him and cuss his ass out for it.

Why is NO ONE RELIABLE?!?! I can't tell you the amount of rommates we've had who just seem to take our generosity for granted. Geez!!!

On a good note, I did lose the weight today. I'm back down almost to pre-visitor weight. I'm going to go go really light on the eating today to try to get it back down to below pre-visitor weight. I have eaten way too much this week.

Well gotta run!!!

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