Monday, November 07, 2005


I don't usually do movie write-ups, but feel the necessity to do so for this film.

The reason? I feel that what makes this film great, is the reason why most people won't like it.

Now remember, this is a film about Desert Storm. War of virtually no war. Most of our troops went over and did not really see any action. Mostly they babysat a bunch of oil wells.

Possible Spoiler - Run mouse over below area to highlight text and read

The reason that this movie is great is that when you leave the theater, you feel cheated. You think to yourself, "This is a war movie and as such there should be lots of gory violence and action going on. However, there was no action, and therefore this can not possibly be a good war movie."

Uh-uh my friends. That's the genius of it!! The whole point of the movie is the frustration of the main character in not being able to fire his gun. He's a sniper and he never got to use his skills. Imagine the frustration of actually going through all that training, actually going to war, and never being able to utilize those skills??

Anyway, for the most part this movie is about emotion and frustration. As with any movie about war, it's not the violence really that gets you, it's the mindfuck. Every soldier out there, once he gets into battle, he's completely fucked. Emotionally, mentally, psychologically. There's no way to avoid it.

I could never join the military, but have the utmost respect for those who do.

By the way, it's Veteran's Day this Friday. If you know anyone who was or is currently in the military, make sure to wish them a Happy Veteran's Day. And if you feel up to it, let them know how much you appreciate them putting their butts on the line for our freedoms and rights. Without them, we would be a completely different country.

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