Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I feel like ripping everyone a new jugular.

I have not been happy the last few days. Aside from the fact that my 'friend' came to visit, I have to deal with the shit at work.

I don't know if it's me or them, but everyone has me pissed off. They keep on asking me for these ridiculous requests in an insane amount of time. I'm sick and tired of being piled up with ridiculous expectations. Something is bound to fall apart soon.

I even snapped at hubby today. I shouldn't have. But between me not feeling well, and stress, and just everything. Well I snapped.

The roommates are pissing me off. Granted one if going through finals. But if you were offerred free everything with the exception of gas and school expenses, wouldn't you maybe pick up around the house? Show appreciation? Empty the trash when it starts becoming a mini replica of the leaning tower of Pisa?

The issue is that I don't feel well. And when I don't feel well, I hate roommates with a passion. They show no respect whatsoever. Oh they're nice. But they lack the ability to think, "Oh she doesn't feel well. Maybe I should take out the trash. Or buy some freakin tp." I mean WTF?!

So this morning I look into the closet and no TP. I look over at the dispenser, hubby used what was left. Now I'm guessing that the roommates will buy some more out of sheer necessity. However I wouldn't put it past them. I have never...NEVER...had a roommate buy TP in our house. The only thing close has been one roommate who used to split the grocery bill with us, and therefore also pay for the necessary household supplies.

I can't wait until they leave.

Oh and Danius?? The reason why I can't kick hubby out to the couch?? Because...THERE'S ALREADY A ROOMMATE ON IT. Augh!!!!!!

You know...it wouldn't be so bad if they helped out and actually made it worth our while. But they never act as if it's their own house. Never vacuum. Never clean. Bleh! :-p

Okay, I'm gonna go try to go calm down. Maybe I just need a vacation.

1 comment:

The fabric of my life said...

Before I got to your last sentence I was thinking 'this girl needs a holiday'. You need a break honey :-)

D xxx