Friday, September 16, 2005


Although I can't really go into detail on what happened tonight, another Hippo moment happened to me. I told a freind at work about some of the trials and tribulations I've been through in the past. Tonight on our way home she said that what I had said helped her to feel closer to me and be able to share some of the crap she's been through and going through. I felt and still feeled awed when this happens to me. That something I said or did inadvertantly made someone feel better about their situation and our friendship. I feel completely humbled and honored by it. In a way, it's exactly what I needed too. More than just 'in a way', it's exactly what I needed.

Then it hit me. It's not a new concept. Not even new to me. But I beleive the most important thing you can do in your life and do for someone else is simply this:

"Everyone just needs someone to believe in them."

That's all. It's simple, yet complicated. It's the easiest thing you can do, yet the hardest too.

I believe this is my creator's way of saying this is my first step towards finding myself again. Amazing. isn't it??

And no, I haven't been smoking the ganja.


LloydChristmas69 said...

You seem like the spitting image of a crazy cat lady. Just so happens I have one, named Mittens who is the apple of my eye.

We go to sci fi conventions and eat brownies together.

Good times. Maybe you shoud try finding yourself by having homosexual sex. Seems to work in the movies!

-- Lloyd

Onyx said...

Well I may not be asmokin the ganja, but are you, Lloyd?? lol

And while you do make a good point about change, I will not be doing it through hot lesbian sex for the single reason that I just don't like fish.

A thank you vere' much!

Ms. Adventures said...

LOL Onyx. Fish. Heh.

ANYWAY! I LOVE those AH HA moments. They're so awesome cause the road to that specific moment of understanding can be filled with pain or disillusion, so when you finally make it there, it's the greatest. The only problem I usually have is explaining it to other people, they're usually like, "Uh, OKAY." Like I had possibly just fallen and busted my head.