Thursday, September 22, 2005

I Admit It...

So I'm sitting here listening to Yahoo launchcast and a song comes on. My bootie starts ashakin and I'm thinking, "Who is this again? Gwen? Beyonce?" Then the lyrics start. Britney Spears, Toxic.

Oh well, so I figured, I might as well open up and admit things I'm ashamed to admit. I guess it's my own personal Post Secret.

1. I like Britney Spears and Justin Timerlake music.

2. I am obsessed with my cat. First thing I look for in the morning and last thing at night is my cat. Hubby is right, if it came down to a choice between him or the cat, the cat would win paws down.

3. I feel guilty for not loving some of my animals as much as others.

4. Sometimes I secretly wish the fish would die already so I could stop worrying about them.

5. I don't think Michael Jackson did those things, and I still love his music.

6. I have never voted.

7. I still care about what my father thinks about me.

8. I ate cat food when I was a kid. (and no, I don't still do this)

9. I have my Bachelor's and my Master's degree and no freakin idea what I'm going to do with them.

10. I secretly fear (well I guess not so secretly now) that if I make too much money I will go to hell.

11. When my friend was stripping, a part of me envied her and wondered what it would be like to strip.

That felt good. Anyone else want to share??

1 comment:

theBlueNibble said...

LOL .. what is it the ladies confession day ??LOL