Friday, September 30, 2005

My buddy called!!!

Thanks Hippo, for calling!!! That was a way cool surprise!!

I haven't been able to see my hippo-pepperpot for quite sometime. She even spoke amiably with hubby...and that a big thing!!!

We used to have such fun times, and to tell you the truth, hippo, I have completely blocked those so called 'bad times' out of my memory. I had completely forgotten those episodes until you brought them up. But that's just me. I could certainly say I've had quite a bit of 'shitty' experiences in my life, but I choose to focus on the positive ones. Life is much better living in denial!!

One thing I appreciate about my hippo, is she still keeps in touch. True friends do that. Through thick and thin, good and bad, we stay in touch.

Someday I'll get over there...someday.


blueberi said...

I'll be back on Sat. night

The fabric of my life said...

It's tough when good friends go away. My friend moved away and my sister too. I survive by imagining they still live where they do. My sister is in the USA and I can only say thank god for the internet! I hope you get to visit Hippo :-)

D xxxxxx