Friday, September 09, 2005


I can't beleive it's raining...again. This is Phoenix Arizona. Drought for like 10 years. And now...BAM...rain off and on for the last few months. It's great!!!!


My sincere apologies to EVERYONE who knew Agent 007s girls was a dude. Geez, was there anyone who didn't know?? Here I was hoping to get people to go, "What?!" and all I got was a, "Yeah, seen that years ago." lol


I'm kind of bummed today. Have no idea what's going on with my body. My temperatures are fairly low and I had a dip below coverline today. (For those who don't know usually a women can tell if she's pregnant by a third shift of unusually high temps. A dip below coverline usually means that Aunt Flo is on the plane and due to arrive very shortly.)

But Aunt Flo's flight isn't scheduled until Monday. And I'm regular as fiber. So what the heck?? I still have cramps. Oh yeah, didn't tell you that. Cramps started a couple of days ago. Now, once again, let me explain. This can be very good. Early cramps usually mean posible pregnancy. They're light, but they're there.

As far as I remember I have NEVER gotten cramps before Aunt Flo. But then again when you're trying to remember things that are now important but never were before, it's bound to be sketchy.

So another day of insanity. I was really hoping things would clear up today.

1 comment:

JR said...

I'm ignoring all that aunt flow stuff, yuck!