Thursday, September 15, 2005

I fear the worst...

My apologies to the men, but I'm going to need to share a little TMI. (too much info)

Okay, so I'm now in freak mode. Thank goodness I have another GYN appt on Tuesday.

***TMI (highlight to read)***

My 'visitor' is still very light.To the point of non-existance, but not quite. Lighter than last time.
***END TMI***

I took an HPT test, but it came out negative again this morning. I would say it's all the stress, but this all starting happening before we started trying having a kid. As a matter of fact this is what started us wanting to start actually trying.

But what if before was different. For some other reason??

Why do I feel this way??

And then hubby said I've been acting differently too. More mean, more moody. He's right. I just about broke down in tears today.

But what if it is just stress?? I haven't seen my friends in ages. Two of my best have moved far, far away. One I haven't heard from. I have no life other than my stressful job at the moment, and my stressful home life. But it's not reallythat stressful.

And I worry about my weight. What if it is just my weight? But wouldn't that have shown on the tests??


I'll keep you updated. Other than that, I'm going to try to get a better attitude towards all this.

1 comment:

Ms. Adventures said...

Wow that sounds really difficult. Maybe you should lay off the baby-making schedule for a while and focus on your own health? You could always go back to that later when you're feeling better.

How is your diet? Do you eat well? And do you excercise? That can help with stress and mood issues as well as get your body on a normal schedule in general. A lot of times I think doctors don't have sufficient time or information to properly take care of people. They can handle the big stuff (sometimes) but when it comes to the smaller more problematic small stuff, they seem to have a really hard time. I bet if you cooled off with the baby stuff, did a little self focusing, maybe some yoga classes, you would feel much better.