Friday, September 16, 2005

Time to hit reset

I am doing better today. Yesterday I was trying to figure out what it is that has me so...well depressed, I guess.
I think part of it is my friends. I feel like I have none at the moment. None close. None that I can go viist at whim. Play Scrabble games with. I'm not saying I don't have close friends, it just doesn't feel like it right now.
Hippo os all the way over in England. I couldn't even give her a hug if I most desperately wanted too right now. No late night conversations on the back porch. My friend Sean has completely ditched my ass. He left in July and I've only received one email from him. Asshole!

I haven't heard much from my pal, K lately. I have no idea what's going on with her. And my buddy Lana has been busy trying to get used to her schedule for sure. I need to email at least K and Lana to see if they want to get together and do something.

Another thing, I think, is that I;m just not where I want to be in my life. I've finally accomplished my degrees, but I'm still a stress monger, overweight, don't have the house to ourselves. In addition to that, I don't think I've been very tru to myself lately.

I've been trying to please other people too much. I need to find myself again. I need to learn to relax, and definately learn how to have fun.

I guess I need to just figure out who I am and who I want to be. I may not post for a little while, or I may. But I need to do a little self discovery.

Thanks everyone for your kind words.


blueberi said...

I'll play scrabble with you sometime. I love scrabble.

Ms. Adventures said...

Wish I could say come on over but it's a bit of a drive to South Carolina!

Hey! Don't get down on yourself! Everyone has some discovery to do, including me. There's nothing bad about that, glad to hear you want to get in touch with yourself.

You can consider me a friend, though I know the personal quality isn't there since we can't see each other. I think you rock for what it's worth!

Onyx said...

Thank you guys, I needed that.