Thursday, September 08, 2005

Is it Thursday already??

I have a feeling I scared everyone off with all my weird posts this last week. Oh well, that's me.

Today has calmed down some bit, but I am still addicted to the fertility website I found the other week. There are all sorts of women on this site. From those trying to conceive to those trying to avoid conception. From women that are on their first try or on their fifth.

Everyone is just like me, obsessing everyday on where there are in their cycle, what their temperature is, when they can take a pregnancy test.

I have even become addicted to their own special little emoticons and abbreviations for all sorts of things. AF = aunt flo, HPT = home pregnancy test, BFP = big fat positive. I'm a fertility whore. Literally.

It's really quite hilarious actually. A few times a day we log onto the website and post up for everyone to analyze our temperature patterns, our periods, whether we had cramps, sore boobs, or weird cravings. No where else in the world have I seen to many women share so much personal information.

I do hope I get pregnant soon...then I can obsess over other things, like temperature, cramps, sore boobs, and cravings.


JR said...

Hey, I'm no expert, but from what I hear, the second step in getting preggers is having sex. Good god, if only I knew the first step, I'd be golden in life! :)


The fabric of my life said...

Hi Onyx, thanks for your sweet comments. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just go out and get one of those little cute baby things right off the shelf? If I was guaranteed a sweetie like my 3rd I would have 10 more! I read your fertility saga with great interest and am keeping my fingers crossed for you :-)
D xxx